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Termes pour le sujet Figuratif (128 статей)
研制 work upon
刚好使天平倾斜 tip the scales
感动 work upon
负隅顽抗 with (one's) back against the wall
急速返回 snap back
在两面夹攻中 between two fires
在正常状态中 be in gear
用意在于 drive at
用皮带缚住 hold in leash
中年之后 autumn of (one's) life
搭上 be in gear
稳定到 settle down to
破坏计划 torpedo a plan
改变攻击方向 change (one's) battery
为决定因素 tip the scales
逼人走投无路 drive (sb) to extremities
逼人采取最后手段 drive (sb) to extremities
着眼于 drive at
olla podrida
充满着 be filled with