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заг. Protection
заг. guardianship; armour plating
буд. screening
ел. safety precaution
маш. буд. hoop guard; ladder cage
мед. shielding; internment
ох.здор. protection
| anticorrosiva
пром. хім. anti-corrosive preparation
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до фраз
protección f
заг. guardianship; armour plating
буд. screening
бухг. safeguards
вет. premunization; premunition
військ. cover trench
ел. safety precaution; guarding; armor; armour
зв’яз., ел. protection ratio
землезн., маш. guard
комп., Майкр. protection (The process of protecting data from loss or corruption by centrally creating and maintaining replicas and shadow copies of the data. DPM is designed to provide short-term disk-based backup, to support rapid and reliable recovery of data)
маш., буд. hoop guard; ladder cage
мед. shielding; internment; prevention; prophylaxis; segregation
ох.здор. protection
патент. maintenance; observation
пром. guard screen
тех. covering; guards; masking; support
труд.пр. load backrest
іммігр. international protection (internacional)
protecciones f
фін. protections (register your card for other protections)
Protección Bruselas f
заг. Protection Brussels
protección anticorrosiva: 2 фрази в 2 тематиках