
Google | Forvo | +
заг. goods; were
осв. commodity
заг. merchandise; ware
комп., Майкр. commodity
трансп. cargo; freight
довк. goods
ек. торг. merchandise
exportadas | con reserva
 con reservas
марк. except for opinion
| de
заг. out of
| retorno
іммігр. return migration
- знайдено окремі слова

до фраз
mercancía f
заг. merchandise; ware
комп., Майкр. commodity (Interchangeable products with no physical differentiation that are supplied by multiple vendors)
мор. commodity
пак. product; article
трансп. cargo; freight; goods
mercancías f
довк. goods A term of variable content and meaning. It may include every species of personal chattels or property. Items of merchandise, supplies, raw materials, or finished goods. Land is excluded; goods
ек., торг. merchandise
торг., орг.вироб., пром. commodities
mercancias f
заг. goods; were
mercancìa f
осв. commodity
mercancías exportadas con reserva: 1 фраза в 1 тематиці
Митна справа1