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фарма. Program
буд. planning
довк. programme
комп., Майкр. syllabus; computer program; program
юр. фін. issue prospectus; share issue prospectus
IT program
concertato | per
заг. for
| la
заг. it
| sorveglianza
заг. monitoring
| e
мед. redox potential
| la
заг. it
| valutazione
довк. evaluation
| del
заг. some
traporto | a
хім. unsym-
| grande distanza
 grande distanza
юр. remoteness
degli inqui
- знайдено окремі слова

іменник | дієслово | до фраз
programma m
заг. agenda; schedule
астр. routine
буд. planning; time schedule
довк. programme
діаліз modality
комп., Майкр. syllabus (​A summary of class information, such as the course name and description, a schedule of lessons and assignments, and evaluation criteria); computer program (A set of instructions in some computer language intended to be executed on a computer so as to perform some task. The term usually implies a self-contained entity, as opposed to a routine or a library); program (A set of instructions that a computer uses to perform a specific task, such as word processing, accounting, or data management)
юр., фін. issue prospectus; share issue prospectus
IT program
IT, ел. time-program; time-programme
Programma m
фарма. Program
programmare дієсл.
заг. schedule; time
бухг. plan
комп., Майкр. program (To create a computer program, a set of instructions that a computer or other device executes to perform a series of actions or a particular type of work)
текстиль. programme (verb)
IT, тех. to code; to program
programmi дієсл.
осв. curriculum subject
патент. programmes
programma concertato per la sorveglianza e la valutazione del traporto a grande distanza degli: 3 фрази в 1 тематиці