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заг. vintage; fusty
буд. outdated
бухг. out-of-date; vintage of capital equipment
бізн. dead; out of date
книжн. desuete
мед. obsolete
| название
заг. title
| различных
заг. diverse
| хронических заболеваний
 хроническое заболевание
мед. chronic illness
| артерий
заг. through-passage
| сопровождающихся
заг. accompanying
| уплотнением
заг. condensation
| их
розм. 'em
| стенок
нафт.газ., сахал. weir
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прикметник | дієслово | до фраз
устаревший прикм.наголоси
заг. vintage (old-fashioned; dated collinsdictionary.com); fusty; dated; demoded; high; outmoded; rococo; archaic; bewhiskered; moss-grown; overworn; played-out; ricky-tick; obsolete (о законе, норме и т. д.); Victorian; outworn; passé; steam; traditional; traditionary; past its sell-by date (метод, система, идея Anglophile); unprogressive (golos-tatiana); moss grown; out of fashion; ricky tick; ricky ticky; rinky dink; back; hackneyed; no longer in use; trite; uninteresting; conservative (В.И.Макаров); oldy-moldy (yulia_mikh); rusty; old-fashioned (об оборудовании); dinosaur (Taras); stale; anachronism; archaistic; bygone; last-century (Dmitry Onishchenko); bankrupt (Ремедиос_П); outdated; old (MichaelBurov); archaical; older (Гера)
Gruzovik cobweb
Игорь Миг out-of-vogue (дизайн и пр.); backward-looking
буд. outdated (об оборудовании и т.п.)
бухг. out-of-date; vintage of capital equipment
бібліот. gone out of use
бізн. dead; out of date
військ., брон. out-of-use
військ., жарг. kaput; kaputt
ек. out-of-fashion
застар. exolete (sunman)
застар., Макаров antediluvial
книжн. desuete
комп. end-of-life (jerrymig1)
комп., Майкр. legacy
контр.як. antiquated; noncurrent; superannuated
Макаров antediluvian; mouldy; old-fashioned (об оборудовании); ricky-ticky; rinky-dink; time-worn
мат. out-dated
мед. obsolete (напр., о лечебной методике)
нафт. obsolescent; overage (об изделии)
прогр. deprecated (ssn)
пром. old-fashion (igisheva)
рел. anachronistic; anachronistical
розм. stuck-in-the-mud (grafleonov); off the map; old hat (if something is old hat, a lot of people have said or done the same thing before and it is therefore not new or interesting : Most of this is probably old hat to you, isn t it? Andrey Truhachev)
сленг has-been; groovy (Aly19); used-to-be; old hat; out; play out; played out; tacky
фр. demodй
фр., Макаров demode
фін. non-current
шкір. moth-eaten; obsolete
юр. obsolete (о законе, норме и т.д.)
SAP obs.
ідіом. go by the wayside (To become obsolete or outmoded. Interex)
устареть дієсл.
заг. date (no object Seem old-fashioned.: the coat may be pricey but it will never date); stale; superannuate; outmode; be out of fashion; go out of date; be out of court; have known better days (Anglophile); get old (Notburga); outlive; be behind the times (о методах, взглядах и т.п.); have had one's day; have seen one's day; become antiquated; become obsolete; become out of date; fall into obsolescence (Bullfinch); obsolesce (malt1640); be outdated (Scorrific); become outdated (grafleonov); aged like milk (His once-popular opinions have aged like milk • The political strategy used during the campaign has aged like milk • This fashion trend aged like milk. It went from chic to cheesy in a year • Their technology aged like milk. It's already obsolete compared to newer models • ...aged like two year old milk – Alex Jones Show Taras)
Gruzovik become out-of-date (pf of стареть)
Игорь Миг outlive one's usefulness
застар. grow old
ЗМІ date
кіно date (TV viewers will see her in another dated soap)
Макаров be out of court (особ. об аргументе)
патент. turn old; grow obsolete
розм. crack up; have had it
сленг wash up
IT be out of date
ідіом. be dead as a dodo (син.: (as) dead as a doornail, (as) dead as mutton Taras)
устаревшее прикм.
заг. old story (что-то); old stuff (что-то)
військ., ЗМУ obsolete
страх. Overaged (о судне, об оборудовании)
устаревшая прикм.
IT legacy (программа/приложение или устройство Enote)
устаревшее название: 2 фрази в 1 тематиці
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