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осознать дієсл.наголоси
заг. acknowledge; perceive; recognize; wake; awake; be aware (of rechnik); apperceive; awake to; unravel something (bigmaxus); catch on to (VLZ_58); sense; understand (чем-либо); cotton on to something (тот факт, что Artjaazz); recollect oneself (Andrey Truhachev); grasp; get; awaken; realize; see reason (Andrey Truhachev); wrap one's mind around something (to find a way to understand or accept (something)  capricolya); wrap one's head around something (capricolya); come to a realisation (suburbian); come to a realization (suburbian); become aware of; come to terms with (что-л. Alex_Odeychuk)
Игорь Миг see the writing on the wall
бізн. get smth or (smb)
Макаров awake to (что-либо); be conscious (of); wake to; wake up to
Макаров, розм. get the message
мат. become cognizant of; comprehend; see; understand
науков. advance the view (A.Rezvov)
образн. get the idea (AlexandraM)
перен. fathom (/arts Осознать, разобраться в чем то. Пример использования, что-то плохое случилось (кого-то убили) и близкие переживают. Причина и сами события непонятны людям. Охваченный своим эмоциями, близкий друг может сказать It was inconceivable to fathom this happening. mazurov)
розм. get a sense (Анна Ф); the penny dropped; cotton on to (Andrey Truhachev)
сленг rap to
ідіом. wrap one's mind around something (an idea, notion or fact isidora77); come to grips with ("Our Broncos family is in shock as we try to come to grips with our incredible loss," Kevin Garinger, the team's president, said in a statement. VLZ_58); come to realize (The 17-year-old soldier who was eager to join the trenches in France comes to realize the horrors of warfare. ART Vancouver)
осознать что-л. дієсл.
розм. wrap one's head around something (to understand something, especially something strange or out of the ordinary: to find a way to understand or accept (something) КГА)
осознаться дієсл.
заг. soak in (Serena soaks in the moment after semifinal loss GeorgeK)
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