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до фраз
избирательная комиссиянаголоси
заг. election committee
амер. canvassing board
бізн. constituency election committee; electoral commission
політ. electoral board (Alex_Odeychuk)
юр. election commission
избирательные комиссии
заг. electoral commissions (1877), in U.S. history, commission created by Congress to resolve the disputed presidential election of 1876 between Republican Rutherford B. Hayes ... Britannica. The New Zealand Electoral Commission is an independent crown entity responsible for the administration of parliamentary elections and referenda, promoting compliance with electoral laws, servicing the work of the Representation Commission, and the provision of advice, reports and public education on electoral matters. The Electoral Commission is an independent body set up by the UK Parliament. It regulates party and election finance and sets standards for well-run elections. The Commission is independent of Government and answerable to Parliament. WK Alexander Demidov)
політ. election commissions; election authorities (Washington Post; контекстуальный перевод на русс. язык Alex_Odeychuk)
 Російський тезаурус
избирательная комиссия
заг. комиссия, образуемая для организации и проведения выборов. Большой Энциклопедический словарь ; избирком (grafleonov)
избирательная комиссия: 97 фраз в 9 тематиках
Американський вираз не написання5
Загальна лексика11
Юридична лексика2