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заг. barge in (в разговор); shove oar in (Anglophile); jump into (Even the adherents of the Communist Party, who tend to feel entitled to all of Russia's former Soviet domains, said with a broad majority – 62% – that Russia should not jump into Ukraine's internal crisis. | TIME.com 4uzhoj); strike (в ссору, драку); mess with (driven); butt in
амер. horn in on (Taras)
груб. butt in (без спроса)
Макаров barge into (в разговор); butt in (в разговор, в чужие дела и т. п.: Forgive me for butting in.); put one's oar in (в разговор); stick one's oar in (в разговор); strike into (в ссору, драку); shove one's oar in (в разговор)
прост. bud in (to interfere, interject, or meddle, in another's affair with the direct intention to take sides in a dispute or argument.: I could see that they had your back up against the wall; so I had no choice but to bud in, on your side of the situation, to make it a fair fight. urbandictionary.com andreon)
розм. meddle in affairs; get mixed up (in); pipe in (4uzhoj); intervene (в чужие дела Val_Ships); chip in; butt in (не к месту вмешиваться to interfere with or get involved with someone else's business); chip in (в разговор); but in (Баян)
сленг butt in (в разговор, в чужие дела и т.п.); horn in (Nobody asked you to horn in on our conversation. – Никто не просил тебя встревать в разговор. VLZ_58); butt in (в разговор, в чужие дела); mess over (someone)
Gruzovik, розм. meddle in (impf of встрять); get mixed up in (impf of встрять)
 Російський тезаурус
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розм. встрянуть (Andrey Truhachev)
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