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AA ['ɑ:(')ɑ:] скор.
заг. AA
комп., Майкр. anticrénelage (A software technique for smoothing the jagged appearance of curved or diagonal lines caused by poor resolution on a display screen. Methods of anti-aliasing include surrounding pixels with intermediate shades and manipulating the size and horizontal alignment of the pixels)
суспільс. Alcooliques anonymes
торг., трансп., мор. toujours à flot
 Англійський тезаурус
AA ['ɑ:(')ɑ:] скор.
абрев. Afar; Affirmative Action; An Agency; Ann Arbor; As Amended; Alternative Armies; Addis Ababa; Aluminum Association; laminated asbestos fabric; second class (grade AA); Abbreviated Analysis; Absolute Anarchy; Academic Affairs; Academic Alliance; Academy Award; Acceptance And Action; accompanied by adults (о фильме, на который пускают только вместе с родителями Anglophile); Accreditation Authority; Accredited Appraiser; Acquired Attributes; Active Active; Active Annual; Active Page; Activities And Attitudes; Activity Approach; Adaptive Algorithm; Addictions Anonymous; Adjustable Arms; Adjusted Allotment; Adjusting Appendix; Administrative Assistants; Administrative Authority; Adult Accompaniment; Advanced Alloy; Advanced Articulators Toastmasters Club; Advanced Auditing; Adverse Action; Advertising Association; Affirmative Action committee; Affordability Analysis; Against Actuals; Agile Access; Air Abrasion; Air Almanac; Air Attache; Airbus Always; Alan Alexander; Alaska Airlines; Alcoa, Inc.; Alcoholic Acting; Alcoholics Arise; Algorithmic Architecture; All Age; Allied Affairs; Allied Command, Atlantic; Alpha Alpha; Alpha Alumni; Alternate Advancement; Always Aground; Always Available; Amarillo Area Office (DOE); Amazon Alliance; Amd Assured; AMD Athlon processor; America's Answer; American Archaeology; American Army; American Arrogance; American Atheists; Americans Anonymous; Amino Acrylate; Amyloid Associated; Anal Aneurism; Anal Attack; Analysis Assistant; Anaplastic Anaemia; Anatomical Adaptation; Anchor Assembly; Ancient Arts; Angelus Academy; Angle Angle; Anglo-American; Ann Arbor Railroad; Ann Arbor, Michigan; Anonymous Amigo; Another Ah; Anti Alias; Anti Aliasing; Anti Apostle; Anti- Armor; Apache Anne; Appointing Authority; Aptitude Area; Arakan Army; Arch Angel; Archaic Academy; Architectural Association; Argument Analysis; Armor Attachment; Armored Ambulance; Armoured Assault; Army Act; Army Air; Arrogant Assholes; Artistic Aerobatics; ASCII Art; Asian Affairs (наименование японского периодического издания по экономическим вопросам Углов); Assassins Anonymous; Assets Accounting (ННатальЯ); assigned amount (официальный термин в Киотском протоколе Leonid Dzhepko); Assistance Administration; Assistant Adjutant; Assistant Administrator; Associate in Accounting; Associate Of Arts; Association Of Assholes; Astokh Asset (SEIC ABelonogov); Astronomical Applications; Astronomy Astrophysics; Athens News Agency (Афинское информационное агентство (Греция) Углов); Atlantic Assembly; Attitude Adjustment; Attract Attention; Australian Army; Author's Addition; Automated Anvil; Automatic Adjust; Automatic Analyzer; Automatic Answer; Automobile Association; Avenue of Approach; Average Attendance; Average Audience; Aviation Annex; Awaiting Activation; Awful Awful; The Atlantic Alliance; Of each Ana; Antiaircraft Artillery; author's alternations; absolute abstinence; acronym abuse; anti aircrafts; clerical assistant
абрев., IT adaptive antenna
абрев., австрал. Australian Academy of Science
абрев., авто. auto alarm
абрев., автомат. arithmetical average
абрев., авіац. airworthiness authorities (Interex); all after; announced address; arrival approved; accelerated assemblies; advertise and award; air carrier; airport analysis; alert availability; alternate aerodrome (airport); altitude acquire; airport approach; autopilot annunciator; accelerated assembly; administrative agreement; advisory area; aerospace auditor; air alignment; alarm assignment; allowance allocation; alternate assembly; altitude alert; aluminum alloy; American Airline; Apollo application; assembly accuracy; associate administrator; auto-alarm; automated approach; American Airlines Inc.
абрев., авіац., мед. achievement age
абрев., анат. angular artery (ННатальЯ); aortic arch (Баян); aortic area (igisheva)
абрев., бр.англ. Automobile Association (Великобритания: Лингвострановедческий словарь. 9 500 единиц / А.Р.У. Рум, Л.В. Колесников, Г.А. Пасечник и др. - М.: Рус. яз., 1978 Alexandra Tolmatschowa); Alcoholics Anonymous (Великобритания: Лингвострановедческий словарь. - М.: Рус. яз., 1978 Alexandra Tolmatschowa)
абрев., бухг. age allowance; annual allowance (Ying)
абрев., бізн. Advertising Agency; after arrival; Aid Account; all along; aminoacid; Australia; automatic approval; Automatic Approval (System); grade AA
абрев., біол. algestone acetophenide
абрев., військ. Administrative Assistant; America's Army; acting assistant; air-to-air; antiaircraft; Armoured Ambulance (qwarty); assessment agent; avenue of approach; army aviation
абрев., військ., ЗМУ Atomic absorption
абрев., військ., ППО acquisition aid; autoacquisition (radar)
абрев., ек. Aluminum company of America; against actual
абрев., ел. absolute addressing; absolute assembly; access adapter; access agent; active addressing; active area; adapter assembly; address array; analog adder; angle of arrival; arithmetic address; auditorium acoustics; auto alignment; auto attendant; automatic alarm; automatic answering
абрев., ел.тех. amplitude analyzer; dry-type self-cooled transformer
абрев., землезн. active anthracite; affected areas; alluvial aquifer; Aluminium Association; Aluminium Company of America; Analytical Abstracts; Anglo-American Corp.; anisyl acetone; Antarctic Area; anthranilic acid; aphyric andesite; Asia & Africa; atomic absorption spectrophotometry; auroral absorption; Austroalpine nappe; azimuth anisotropy
абрев., картогр. approximate alignment
абрев., контр.як. arithmetic average
абрев., корп.упр. allotment advice
абрев., косм. acquisition aiding; air abort; air to air; Allied Command Atlantic (NATO); angle of attack; any acceptable; artificial antenna; automatic approach
абрев., космон. Adaptive Automation
абрев., кіно All Ages
абрев., мат., науков. Almost All
абрев., мед. Academy Of Aphasia; Acetic Acid; Active Avoidance; Acupuncture Analgesia; Acute Appendicitis; Adenine Arabinoside; Adenylic Acid; Adjuvant Arthritis; Adrenal Androgen; Adrenocortical Autoantibody; African American; Aggregated Albumin; bacterial Aggregative Adherence; Agranulocytic Angina; Alcohol Abuse; Alcoholics Anonymous. Alcooliques Anonymes. Alcohólicos Anónimos; Allergic Alveolitis; Alopecia Areata; Alveolo-arterial; Aminoacetone; Amino Acid; Aminoacyl; Amyloid A; Alzheimer's Association; Arteries (Lat. Arteriae); Anesthesiologist Assistant; Arachidonic Acid; aplastic anaemia (MichaelBurov); aplastic anemia (MichaelBurov); abdominal aorta (брюшная аорта Dimpassy); anaesthetic agent (harser); aortic atresia (атрезия аорты Dimpassy); atrial appendage (ушко предсердия Dimpassy); Alcoholics Anonymous (MichaelBurov); Al-Anon (MichaelBurov); acupunctural analgesia; allele; amino acids; amyloid albumin; antiandrogens; ascending aorta; Association of Anesthetists
абрев., мед., амер. alveolar-arterial
абрев., мед., лат. ana
абрев., метео. anti-agglomerate (Yakov); air annealed
абрев., мор. Accounting Authority (расчетная организация (за радиоуслуги) Morning93); Always Afloat
абрев., науков. Astronomy and Astrophysics
абрев., нафт. after acidizing; author's alteration; spectrometry (method of chemical analysis); alkaline agent; absolute alcohol; acetaldehyde ammonia; acetaldehyde-ammonia condensate; acetic anhydride; acetylacetone; adaptive amplifier; after aging; Akron abrasion loss; alkali andesite; always safe afloat; amino-acid; aminoacid analyzer; amplitude anomaly; analysis of accounts; angular agmatite; annual average; approximate absolute temperature scale; arachidic eicosanoic acid; Atomic Age; author's alterations; autoalarm; autoanalyzer
абрев., опт. angular aperture
абрев., ох.здор., мед. Application As
абрев., полім. allyl alcohol
абрев., політ. Aruba
абрев., пошт. Armed Forces Americas (Префикс военной почты для Америки Yakov)
абрев., прогр. access authorisation (ssn); access authorization (ssn); adaptive architecture (ssn)
абрев., рекл. account assistant
абрев., розм. Almost Airborne
абрев., розшир.ф. Auto Answer
абрев., с/г. acetic acid; acrylic acid; ammonium acetate; ascorbic acid
абрев., спорт. All American; All Around; all-around; athletic association
абрев., телеком. Automated Attendant (Alexxxa)
абрев., торг. second grade
абрев., трансп. American Airlines
абрев., фізіол. Abdominal Aorta; African-American; Anal Aneurysm; Aspenice Anesthesiology
абрев., фізіол., мед. African- American; Of Each
абрев., фін. active account; active asset
абрев., хім. Australia antigen
абрев., хім., науков. Atomic Absorption
абрев., шотл.вир. Active Adjunct (sonar); Air Adviser (UK Royal Air Force); Aluminum Association (USA); Anti-Aircraft; Armature Accelerator
абрев., юр. Articles of Association (spanishru)
абрев., ЄС association agreement
абрев., інт. Ask About
військ. Atlantic area; absolute address; access authorization; achieved availability; acting appointment; activation analysis; administrative assistant; aerosol analyzer; affected area; air ambulance; air armament; airborne alert; airman apprentice; amphibious assault; antiaircraft artillery; approving authority; armament artificer; arming assembly; army artillery; arrival angle; artificial aerial; assembly area; atmospheric applications; attack assessment; authorized allowance; autoacquisition
дерев. straight teeth
енерг. accident analysis; advance angle; air-assisted; ambient air; angular acceleration; antihunt action; antiproton accumulator (ring); atmospheric absorption; atomizing air; authorized access; authorized activity; azimuthal angle
метео. absolute altitude; anti-air-craft
Союз-Аполлон Air-air communication
тех. abbreviated addressing; absolute assembler; accelerometer assembly; access address; acrylamide; additional absorber; additional air; aero-assisted (mode); airplane avionics; analog amplifier; angular accelerometer; antenna array; aperiodic antenna; Apollo applications; apparent absorption; approximate absolute; audible alarm; auto acquisition; auto acquisition radar; autopilot amplifier; auxiliary air; laminate asbestos fabric
AA. скор.
абрев. American Anthropologist (наименование американского периодического издания по вопросам антропологии Углов)
aa ['ɑ:(')ɑ:] скор.
абрев. directly controlled company (Alina-2010)
абрев., ГЕС aa lava
абрев., мед. of each; arteries; G. ana of each (USED in prescriptions)
нафт.газ as above (andrushin)
хім. amino acid (Михелёв)
aA ['ɑ:(')ɑ:] скор.
абрев. attoampere; abampere
AAHS ['ɑ:(')ɑ:] скор.
абрев. High School Airman Apprentice (младший рядовой авиации ВМС со средним образованием Углов)
aa. скор.
абрев. Press Agency
абрев., мед. arteries
Aa ['ɑ:(')ɑ:] скор.
абрев., нафт. acetaldehyde
: 10 фраз в 5 тематиках
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