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комп., Майкр. 手順
заг. 過程; 経路; 径路; 逕路; 工程; 捌く
комп. 算程
| change
заг. お返し
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(у деяких значень з тезауруса може не бути перекладів в двомовному словнику)

іменник | прикметник | до фраз
process ['prəuses AmE: ˈprɑˌsɛs] імен.
заг. 経路 news1 nf12 (けいろ); 径路; 逕路; 捌く; 道のり news1 nf15; 道程 news1 nf24
комп., Майкр. 処理する (To manipulate data with a program); プロセス (The virtual address space and the control information necessary for the execution of a program, purosesu)
тех. プロセス (purosesu)
фіз. 方法 (ほうほう); 過程 (katei)
n process | n ['prəuses AmE: ˈprɑˌsɛs] імен.
заг. 過程 ichi1 news1 nf03 (katei); 工程 ichi1 news1 nf13 (kōtei); 手順 ichi1 news1 nf09 (てじゅん); 処理過程; 方法 ichi1 news1 nf01 (ほうほう)
n vs legal process | n vs ['prəuses AmE: ˈprɑˌsɛs] імен.
заг. 手続き ichi1 news1 nf02 (てつづき); 手続 ichi1
n vs process | n vs ['prəuses AmE: ˈprɑˌsɛs] імен.
заг. 突起 news1 nf24 (tokki)
n computer process | n ['prəuses AmE: ˈprɑˌsɛs] імен.
комп. 算程
Process ['prəuses AmE: ˈprɑˌsɛs] імен.
комп., Майкр. 手順 (A SmartArt graphic layout type that includes layouts designed to show steps in a process or timeline, てじゅん)
 Англійський тезаурус
process ['prəuses] скор.
абрев. proc; pro (Vosoni)
військ., логіст. Method adapted to the prevailing conditions by which an effect is achieved or a goal is reached. It is the sum of the elementary actions which have to be accomplished simultaneously or successively. (FRA)
IT Generally, a collection of activities influenced by the enterprise’s policies and procedures that takes inputs from a number of sources, including other processes, manipulates the inputs and produces outputs (Processes have clear business reasons for existing, accountable owners, clear roles and responsibilities around the execution of the process, and the means to measure performance)
PROCESS ['prəuses] скор.
абрев. Proactive Response Of Cargill Employees Securing Safety
process: 1 фраза в 1 тематиці