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communications network
 communication network
зв’яз. rete di comunicazioni; rete teleinformatica
зв’яз. трансп. rete di comunicazione
| computer
ек. calcolatore elettronico
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(у деяких значень з тезауруса може не бути перекладів в двомовному словнику)

до фраз
communication network
зв’яз. rete di comunicazioni; rete teleinformatica
зв’яз., трансп. rete di comunicazione
communications network
зв’яз. rete teleinformatica
 Англійський тезаурус
communications network
військ., логіст. All transmission assets organized to establish direct or indirect links between correspondents. These assets can be: 1. homogeneous: this is the case of telephone networks or radio systems; 2. heterogeneous: this is the case of radio integration networks. (FRA)
США An organization of stations capable of intercommunications, but not necessarily on the same channel (JP 6-0)
Communications Network
IT, абрев. CN
communications network computer: 3 фрази в 2 тематиках
Юридична лексика1