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комп., Майкр. Chiamate
заг. chiamare; denominare; telefonare
банк. call
зв’яз. chiamata
страх. premio; premio iniziale; premio supplementare
фін. opzione di acquisto
| on
землезн. ел. acceso
no carry
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(у деяких значень з тезауруса може не бути перекладів в двомовному словнику)

іменник | дієслово | скорочення | до фраз
call [kɔ:l] імен.
заг. intitolare; richiamo m
зв’яз. chiamata f
комп., Майкр. chiamata f (A voice session that can be conducted between two or more telephones, two or more devices (such as computers or smartphones), or between two or more such devices and telephones); chiama m (To attempt to establish a voice conversation with another person or other people from a phone, computer, or mobile device)
страх. premio m; premio iniziale; premio supplementare
телеком. comunicazione 2° significato
тлф. connessione m
трансп., мор. scalo m
фін. opzione di acquisto; opzione call; esercizio dell'opzione; opzione d'acquisto
фін., англ. call m
Call [kɔ:l] імен.
комп., Майкр. Chiamate f (An app for making video calls); Chiama m (A Lync menu that opens a list of options for the selected person. In Office Communicator, a menu item that opens a list of numbers for the selected person. When the user selects a phone number, Lync or Office Communicator places the call)
telex call [kɔ:l] імен.
телегр. comunicazione telex
call [kɔ:l] дієсл.
заг. chiamare; denominare; telefonare
банк. call (48 ore)
calling ['kɔ:lɪŋ] дієсл.
зв’яз. chiamata
 Англійський тезаурус
call [kɔ:l] імен.
заг. call for (причина Баян)
абрев. cl (Vosoni)
сленг prediction (The weatherman made a good call about when the storm would come)
США ring up (Bobrovska)
call [kɔ:l] скор.
абрев., військ. cadence
CALL [kɔ:l] скор.
абрев. Community Access To Lifelong Learning; Community Action Link Line; Community For Authentic Leadership And Learning; Create A Living Legacy; Common ALL; computer-assisted language learning
абрев., IT Computer Aided Language Learning; Computer Assisted Language Learning
абрев., авіац. computer aided loft lines
абрев., астр., науков. Collaborative Asteroid Lightcurve Link
абрев., військ. Center for Army Lessons Learned
абрев., ел. computer-aided language learning
абрев., мед. Common Null Cell Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
абрев., нафт. caliper laterolog
абрев., онк., мед. Common Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
абрев., осв. Central Arizona Lifelong Learners; Communities Assisting Literacy And Learning; Comprehensive Approach To Language And Literacy
абрев., рел. Christian Action Life Line; Christians All Living Loud
абрев., юр. Catalogue Of Annotated Legal Links; Citizens Against Lying Lawyers
військ. composite aeronautical load list
прогр., IT Call Procedure
call on no: 4 фрази в 1 тематиці