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be poisedнаголоси
be poised to
заг. повисать; повиснуть; достойно держаться (Tanya Gesse); недоумевать
Игорь Миг быть готовым (to do something)
публіц. готовиться (to do something: Rammstein's Deutschland video came at a time when the band were poised to release their first album in a decade and embark on a European tour, and it was every bit as epic as everyone had anticipated. • “They [Russia] are uncoiling and are now poised to strike,” [US defence secretary Lloyd] Austin told a news conference in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, ahead of talks with increasingly anxious Baltic leaders. • Schools and care homes are poised to be evacuated if the Russian army crosses the border. 4uzhoj); собираться (to do something: Tim Waterstone poised to buy back book chain with Russian partner. Alexander Demidov); быть намеренным (to do something: Tim Waterstone poised to buy back book chain with Russian partner.)
be poised to
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