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до фраз
counterattack ['kauntərətæk] імен.
заг. 突,冲
косм. 反冲击; 反突击
спорт, баск. 回击
спорт. 反击; 反攻; 还击
футб. 防守反击
шах. 反攻; 主动还击
 Англійський тезаурус
counterattack ['kauntərətæk] імен.
військ. Attack by a part or all of a defending force against an enemy attacking force, for such specific purposes as regaining ground lost or cutting off or destroying enemy advance units, and with the general objective of denying to the enemy the attainment of his purpose in attacking. In sustained defensive operations, it is undertaken to restore the battle position and is directed at limited objectives
військ., абрев. catk
counterattack to ['kauntərətæk] імен.
військ., логіст. To react in an offensive way in order to: 1. either destroy an enemy committed in an attack, stop him at least while inflicting losses and regaining psychological advantage on him; 2. or restoring the integrity of a disposition by destroying or, at least, driving out the enemy committed in it. FRA
counterattack: 21 фраза в 5 тематиках
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