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CB скор.
абрев. citizen’s band; coin box; counter-battery; crash boat; crew boat; chemical bonding
абрев., IT citizens band
абрев., авіац. chloro-bromomethane; command bar; cone bolt; control booth
абрев., бізн. channel black; chartered back; clean bill; coal bunker; coke button
абрев., ГЕС current breaker
абрев., ек. Conference Board
абрев., землезн. cadmium bronze; cement-bentonite; central basin; central block; centre of burst; chlorobiphenyl; chlorobiphenyls; cost budget; cost of the bit
абрев., косм. cargo bay; chloro-bromo-type; chlorobromomethane CB; cost budgeting
абрев., мультимед. copy back
абрев., нафт. cable bit; cable buoy; carbonaceous band; cast brass; cement base; center of burst; central common battery; chartered-back; cis-polybutadiene; clear bill; clear brine; coated on the backside; compact bit; conditional branch; coupling bit; confirmation of balance; Congo basin; connection box; constricting bladder; continuous blow-down; continuous breakdown; coring bit; cost breakdown; counter battery; Crinoid banks; critical bubble (diameter); critical buoyancy; cumulative bulletin; cylinder byte
абрев., телеком. central battery system; common battery (system); C-battery; central common battery
абрев., торг. cash journal
абрев., футб. center back
абрев., фін. credit balance
абрев., ЧПК Control Bus
абрев., юр. Chief Baron (Ying)
абрев., імун. cell bank (rebecapologini)
Cb скор.
абрев. convertible bond (oVoD)
cb скор.
абрев. collective bargaining; cumulonimbus (об облачности Leonid Dzhepko)
абрев., землезн. carbonate; centi-bar; crystalline basement
абрев., спорт. centre back
ел.тех. circuit-breaker
нафт.газ carbonized
полім. centibar
Игорь Миг, абрев., трансп. branding
cb. скор.
абрев. centibar
CB скор.
абрев. Cape Breton; Certification Body; Chargeback; Charlie Brown; Community Board; Compensation Board; Core Business; Council Bluffs, Iowa; automatic circuit breaker (MichaelBurov); automatic circuit-breaker (MichaelBurov); automatic throw-over circuit-breaker (MichaelBurov); automatic transfer circuit-breaker (MichaelBurov); automatic transfer switch (MichaelBurov); circuit-breaker (MichaelBurov); Cabin Babe; Cancer Board; Carl Bevil; Cast Bullet; cleaning bill; Celestial Baby; Channel Bank; Chat Board; Chat Box; Child's Body; Chris Bennett; Christs Bitch; Citizen's Band Radio; Clean Boot; Clean Burn; Club Beyond; Club Bones; Clueless Boy; Coated Back; Code Breakers; Colin Bryan; Command Button; Common Battery; comparator buffer; Complex Burst; component board; Consistant Bitch; Constant Buying; Constantly Buying; Contractors Board (Yeldar Azanbayev); Corona Borealis; Costume Bitch; Count Of Bytes; Counter Bid; Coupled Biquad; Cow Brains; Coward Bitch; Crash And Burn; Crazy Bitch; Crazy Bitches; Critical Biotope; Cross Bow; Current Billing; Current Bulletin; Cute Boy; I/O compensation bias
абрев., IT Call Back; current bit
абрев., авто. city bus; coast braking; custom-built
абрев., авіац. conveyor belt (Interex); carbon brake; change board; Citi Bank; clinched buttons; coach bolt; collar bolt; communication bus; control box; core box; core budget; countersink bit; coupling bolt; crew backup
абрев., банк. chargeback (A chargeback is the return of funds to a consumer, forcibly initiated by the consumer's issuing bank. Specifically, it is the reversal of a prior outbound transfer of funds from a consumer's bank account, line of credit, or credit card. wiki Alexander Demidov)
абрев., бірж. Central Bank; Chubb Corporation; Current Bid
абрев., військ. Chemical- Biological; coyote brown (цвет камуфляжа Yuriy83); chemical-biological
абрев., військ., мор. sea bee (ВосьМой); seabee (ВосьМой)
абрев., ген. cytochalasin B
абрев., ел. cantilever beam; carrier band; carry bit; carry byte; catalog browsing; channel buffer; check bit; chemical and/or biological warfare; clear blink; clocked phase barrier; cluster beam; coherent burst; cold boot; collimated beam; color bar; communications buffer; communications bus; complementary bipolar process; component broker; conduction band states; connecting box; controlled birefringence; cooperative business; crossed beam; crystallite boundary; current branch
абрев., ел., науков. Carbon Black; Circuit Breaker
абрев., ел.тех. C.B. (MichaelBurov); circuit breaker (MichaelBurov); contact breaker
абрев., ен.сист. cross-border (MichaelBurov)
абрев., зв’яз. Connection Busy; cell broadcast; Citizens's Band
абрев., ЗМІ Citizens' Band
абрев., комп., IT Card Bus
абрев., мед. Chocolate Blood (agar); Chronic Bronchitis; Coprocessor Board; chlorbrommethane; clothing and bath; culture of bladder (through cystoscope)
абрев., мед., лат. Chirurgiae Baccalaureus
абрев., мет. combined plow
абрев., митн. Customs Broker (Nectarine)
абрев., нафт. center of buoyancy; centerline bradenhead; changed bits; changing bit; core barrel; core bit; counterbalance
абрев., нафт.газ block coefficient (MichaelBurov)
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал. catch basin
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал.р. competitive bidding; Coudert Brothers
абрев., осв. Coloring Book
абрев., осв., науков. College Bound
абрев., полім. carbon black; chlorobromomethane; cisbutadiene rubber; control board; control button; pentachlorobiphenyl
абрев., політ. Cambodia (сейчас Kampuchea); Kampuchea (formerly Cambodia)
абрев., риболов. commercial balance
абрев., розшир.ф. Microsoft clean boot file
абрев., с/г. carbon balance
абрев., стом. cortical bone (MichaelBurov)
абрев., суднобуд. large cruiser
абрев., текстиль. garment chemical-biological protective garment
абрев., телеком. circuit board
абрев., тлф. common battery in telephony
абрев., фізіол. Chest-Back
абрев., фізіол., мед. Color Blind
абрев., фін. closing balance (Aiman Sagatova)
абрев., хім., науков. Conduction Band
абрев., цел.папер. chip board (Yuriy83)
абрев., шкідн. bait concentrate
абрев., шотл.вир. Battle cruiser; Central Battery; Centre of Buoyancy; Chemical-Biological; Cluster Bomb; Confined to Barracks; Counter Battery fire; Counter-Bombardment
абрев., юр. Cell Block
абрев., ЄБРР correspondent bank
військ. carrier-borne; casualty branch; cavalry brigade; chemical and biological; coastal battery; cobalt bomb; code book; compass bearing; confidential book; confidential bulletin; configuration baseline; confinement to barracks; conical ball; construction battalion; contract brief; control block; control branch; coordination board; counterbattery; counterbombardment; cryptographic bureau
енерг. carbon bearing; coal blending; core baffle
нафт.газ basic controller; compensation bias; concrete block
політ., абрев. Cambodia сейчас Kampuchea; Kampuchea formerly Cambodia
тех. C-bias; capacitor bank; changed bit; changing bits; citizen band; citizen radio band; clear back; common base; condition bit; conducting band; containment building; control buffer; control building; cosmic background
фізіол. Chest-back
інвест. cash book
Cb скор.
абрев. cumulonimbus; cumulo-nimbus; Coulomb
абрев., землезн. crinoidal banks; cubanite
абрев., нафт. commercial bank
тех. columbium
хім. Columbium (см. ниобий Nb Alex Lilo)
cb: 3 фрази в 1 тематиці