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arc [ɑ:k] імен.
авіац., Канада The track over the ground of an aircraft flying at a constant distance from a NAVAID by reference to distance measuring equipment (DME)
.arc імен.
розшир.ф. Archive (file name extension)
ARC [ɑ:k] скор.
абрев. AAD Ref Code (4uzhoj); abnormal retinal correspondence; Accounting Requirements Code; Aramaic; application registration card (NFmusic); Advanced Reproductive Care (ННатальЯ); Accountancy regulary Commitee
абрев., IT Advanced RISC Computer; attached resource computer system
абрев., авто. Anti Roll Control (translator911); automatic ride control; active ride control system; adjustable ride control; automatic ride control system
абрев., автомат. American Research Corporation
абрев., авіац. Airlines Reporting Corporation (MichaelBurov); air radio communications; Airworthiness Review Certificate (ЕленаЛ); ADF; Altitude Reservation Coordinator; Assessment Record Categories; automatic direction finder; automatic direction-finding equipment; acquisition review council; advanced reentry concepts; air refueling computer; air reserve component; airborne radio channel; airborne radio communication; airworthiness requirements committee; application and resource control; area reprogramming capability; authorized release certificate; automated routing control; automatic rollout control; auxiliary rollout control; aviation research center
абрев., авіац., Канада automatic radio compass
абрев., авіац., мед. Ames Research Center
абрев., бр.англ. Aeronautical Research Council
абрев., видавн. advance reading copy (Kathar)
абрев., військ. air Reserve Components; American Red Cross; Acquisition Review Committee; Aeronautical Research Committee; Air Rescue Center; Annual Review Committee; Army Reserve Corps; armoured personnel carrier; automatic range control arc
абрев., військ., авіац. accept-reject criterion
абрев., військ., ЗМУ accelerating rate calorimetry; accounting requirement code
абрев., військ., ППО active radar calibrator; anti-reflection coating
абрев., ел. active reflection coefficient; adaptive residual coder; Administrative Radio Conference; advanced RISC computing; airborne radio communications; Altera reconfigurable computer; alternate route cancel; Amateur Radio Committee; amplitude of reflection coefficient; anti-reflective coating; area radio controller; arithmetic coding; aspect ratio conversion; audio response control; automatic and remote power controller; automatic restart card; access rights class
абрев., закорд. Autonomous Republic of Crimea
абрев., залізнич. Aqaba Railway Corporation
абрев., комп., мереж. attached resource computer
абрев., лаб. Antigen Responsive Cell
абрев., літ. advance reading copy (Pickman)
абрев., мед. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome-related Complex; Antigen Reactive Cell; Arthrogryposis-renal Dysfunction-cholestasis (syndrome); Association For Retarded Citizens Of The United States (name Changed To: The Arc); Academic research consortium (Консорциум по академическим исследованиям Liza G.); arthrogryposis-renal dysfunction-cholestasis (syndrome iwona); antigenreactive cell; Arthritis and Rheumatism Council
абрев., мех. Automatic Recirculation Control (voldemar_s)
абрев., моделюв. Advance Reading Copy
абрев., назв.орг. Regional Conference for Africa; Alliance of Religions and Conservation; Associated Research Centre
абрев., нано anti-reflecting coating; antireflection coating
абрев., невр. arcuate nucleus (of the hypothalamus MichaelBurov)
абрев., полім. automatic ratio control; automatic remote control
абрев., прогр. Advanced Resource Connector (ssn)
абрев., розшир.ф. Archive format (ARC, PKARC/PKXARC, PKPAK/PKUNPAK Vosoni); Augmentation Research Center (US)
абрев., соц.заб. AIDS Related Complex
абрев., суднобуд. automatic rudder control; cable repairing ship
абрев., тварин. American Render Council; Associated Research Center
абрев., фізіол. Aerobic Respiration Control
абрев., фін. administrative reference code; Association of Retailing Companies (MichaelBurov); Russia Association of retailing companies (MichaelBurov)
абрев., шотл.вир. Acoustic Research Center (USA); Advanced Re-entry Concept; Armada Republica de Colombia (Colombian Navy)
абрев., шт.інтел. Alignment Research Center (MichaelBurov)
військ., абрев. Army regulations with changes; adjusted range correction; advanced reentry concept; advanced research center; ammunition regulating center; annual report of the council; anti-riot cartridge; area coordination review; area of responsibility center; armored car; augmentation research center; automatic range control; Cable Ship
екол., абрев. acceptable residual concentration
ел., абрев. Antireflective coating
океан., абрев. Automated Radiotheodolite
тех., абрев. airborne radio communicating; alarm response card; alliance research center; alternative repair criteria; analyzer-recorder-controller; antireflecting coating; automatic error correction; automatic relay calculator; auxiliary relay cabinet; average response computer
Arc [ɑ:k] скор.
абрев. Archimedes number at cyclone
абрев., нафт. Archaean
ARc [ɑ:k] скор.
абрев., ґрунт. calcaric arenosol
ARC [ɑ:k] скор.
абрев. Authorization Response Code (SAKHstasia); alien registration card (kee46); anti-reflect coating; anomalous retinal correspondence; Aeronautical Research Commission; Agricultural Research Council; Aircraft Radio Corp.; American Radio Corp.; American Research Corp.; Application Research Corp.; Atlantic Research Corp.; automatic relay computer
абрев., IT automatic request for correction
абрев., банк. Accounts Receivable Conversion (Сканирование бумажных чеков преобразуя их в электронный платёж Interex)
абрев., бізн. Additional Resource Charge (2eastman); accident resistant container; average revenue curve; automated rent collection; automatic revenue collection
абрев., ГЕС auto-reclosing
абрев., землезн. American Resource Corp.; Area Resources Center; assured refill curve; Atlantic Research Corporation (US); automatic resolution control
абрев., косм. aggregation of red blood cells; American Russian Cosmos, LTD; automatically repaired computer
абрев., нафт. acid resistant cement; acid response curve; Alberta Research Council; amphibious research craft; amplitude ratio characteristic; analytical reservoir characterization; arithmetic control section; array resistivity compensated (tool); articulated column; atmospheric reduced crude; automated recirculation control; automated remote control; automatic radio control; automatic rate changer; automatic reset counter; auxiliary roll control
абрев., ООН, СНІД AIDS-related complex
абрев., радіо.амат. amateur radio club
абрев., телеком. audio response control unit