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до фраз
airborne ['eəbɔ:n] скор.
абрев., військ., авіац. abn
військ. airborne troops (Val_Ships)
військ., логіст. Adjective used to describe troops specially trained to carry out operations after a paradrop or an air landing (FRA)
США In relation to personnel, troops especially trained to effect, following transport by air, an assault debarkation, either by parachuting or touchdown; In relation to equipment, pieces of equipment that have been especially designed for use by airborne troops during or after an assault debarkation as well as some aeronautical equipment used to accomplish a particular mission; When applied to materiel, items that form an integral part of the aircraft; The state of an aircraft, from the instant it becomes entirely sustained by air until it ceases to be so sustained (JP 3-17)
Airborne ['eəbɔ:n] скор.
абрев., військ. Special Forces Warrant Officer Institute; Special Warfare Education Group; Special Warfare Medical Group
airborne: 15 фраз в 2 тематиках
Військовий термін6