
   Англійська тезаурус
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абрев. авіац. normal operation; normal operation in SSM
абрев. number; end/warp; nobelium
абрев. item; subparagraph
абрев. спорт. number
| contact
авіац. Канада An expression used in radiocommunication to establish communication with a facility

іменник | скорочення | прислівник | до фраз
NO [nəu] скор.
абрев., мор. northeast (MichaelBurov)
NO <устар.> [nəu] скор.
абрев., мор. NE (MichaelBurov)
NO [nəu] скор.
абрев. New Orleans; New Orleans Field Office; Next Opportunity; no office; Normal Output; Normally Open; Norwegian; Not Organized; National Office (Alex Lilo); Natural Orbital (Alex Lilo); Naval Observatory; Navy Officer (Alex Lilo); Necrotic Obsession (online community Alex Lilo); Network Operator (Alex Lilo); Network Origin (Alex Lilo); Never Oscillate (Alex Lilo); New Order (band Alex Lilo); Nice One (Alex Lilo); Night Operation (Alex Lilo); Nihil Obstat (Latin: no objections Alex Lilo); No Offense (Alex Lilo); No Oscillation (Skimaire Alex Lilo); Nominal Model (Alex Lilo); Nomine Officii; Nord-Ouest (French: north west Alex Lilo); Nord-Ovest (Italian: Northwest Alex Lilo); Nordost/Nordosten (German; North East Alex Lilo); North/Northern (Alex Lilo); Not Official (Alex Lilo); Not Open (Alex Lilo); Not Optional (Alex Lilo); Not Out (Alex Lilo); Nouveau Orleans (French: New Orleans Alex Lilo); Novara (Piemonte, Italy Alex Lilo); Number Of (Alex Lilo); Nuovo Ordinamento (Italian: new Curriculum Requirements Alex Lilo); Occupation Official (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately Alex Lilo); The Number Of ....; Norway (Alex Lilo); octane number
абрев., IT Next Operating
абрев., авіац. no action taken; no
абрев., астр. new style
абрев., бізн. No number
абрев., біот. nucleolar organizer
абрев., військ. Number
абрев., дерм. nevus of Ota (iwona)
абрев., ел. nitric oxide gas; nitrided oxide; nitridized oxide; nitride-oxide layer; nitroxide; non-official; no reoxidation; NOT OR
абрев., комп., IT Not On
абрев., косм. nonofficial; not obtained; nozzle orifice
абрев., мат., науков. Non Oscillatory; The Number Of...
абрев., нафт. new oil; nitrogen oxides; naphthenic oil; night observation; no objection; no survey; non-official; non-original; north offset; not observed
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал.ю. normally open
абрев., опт. nitric oxide
абрев., політ. Norway
абрев., поліц. Secrets Interagency Steering Group
абрев., пошт. No Office
абрев., сестр. Nursing Office
абрев., сист.безп. normal opened
абрев., футб. New Orleans Saints
абрев., харч. No Onions
абрев., хім., науков. Nitric Oxide; Nitrous Oxide; Nobelium
абрев., шотл.вир. Nursing Officer; Norway (NATO country code)
абрев., юр. Noise Ordinance
абрев., інт. Nerf Online
військ. narcotics officer; naval officer; naval operation; naval ordnance; navigation officer; navigation operator; neutral officer; not operational
тех. no orders
No. скор.
заг. ¹ (Юрий Гомон)
лат. Nobis ("to us", "for us")
No [nəu] скор.
тех. molecular density at standard conditions
унів., абрев. N
no. скор.
абрев. normally open
IT number
NO [nəu] скор.
абрев., авіац. normal operation; normal operation in SSM; nose
абрев., мед. nitrogen monoxide
No. скор.
абрев. item; subparagraph; North; northern; (Юрий Гомон)
абрев., спорт. number
No [nəu] скор.
абрев. number; end/warp; nobelium
no [nəu] скор.
абрев. nitrogen oxide; north; northern
абрев., IT number номер
Nos [nəu] скор.
абрев., ек. number s (L. Numerus)
NO: 17 фраз в 8 тематиках
Інформаційні технології1