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INL скор.
абрев. inlet; Inter Node Link; International Narcotics and Law
абрев., IT C++ inline function implementation; integral nonlinearity (Andrey250780)
абрев., авіац. International Falls, Minnesota USA; inertial lock
абрев., військ. Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (DOS)
абрев., військ., авіац. initial
абрев., ек. Germany, Austria & Switzerland (MichaelBurov); Germany, Austria and Switzerland (MichaelBurov)
абрев., ел. integral nonlinearly (error); internal noise level
абрев., землезн. isonodal line
абрев., мат., науков. Integral Non-Linearity
абрев., нафт. inelastic neutron log
абрев., невр. inner nuclear cell layer (Игорь_2006)
абрев., НПЗ INL region (MichaelBurov)
абрев., офт. inner nuclear layer (внутренний ядерный слой сетчатки doc090)
телеком. Internodal Link
тех. impulse noise limiter
inl скор.
абрев., мед. inlay
inl. скор.
абрев., спорт. inlocate v.