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CCP скор.
абрев. Certified Childcare Professional; Certified Compensation Professional; Certified Computing Professional; Certified Culinary Professional; Critical Control Point; PPP Compression Control Protocol (PPP, RFC 1962); Can't Code Programs; Canadian Climate Program; Cash And Collateral Pool; CBT Course Project; Central Counterparty (центральный контрагент 'More); certificate in computer programming; Certificate Of Cycling Proficiency; Change Control Plan; Chief Commissioner of Police; Christian Concert Planning; Clinical Career Pathway; Co Curricular Programs; Command Console Processor (CP/M); Committee on Commodity Problems; Common Conversion Point; Communications Control Program (OS, IBM); Compact Communication Products (TPS); Computer Career Program; Connective Component Programming; Current Catalog Price (KPbICMAH); configuration control program; console command processor; Constant Current Power; Container Consolidation Point; Correct Control Practices; credit card purchase; Cryptography Centralized Policy; Crystalline Caverns Pack
абрев., IT channel control processor; crisis communication plan
абрев., авто. climate control panel; controlled canister purge (GM); charcoal canister purge; command control program; coupled cam phasing
абрев., авіац. certification compliance plan; configuration change processing; center console panel; closed cherry picker; commercial change proposal; common change process; communication control panel; comparator chart-production; configuration change point; configuration change proposal; configuration control phase; conformity coordination procedure; consolidated cryptology program; control configured propulsion; cursor control panel; customer change proposal; comparator; Communications Control Panel; Crisis Communications Plan; Certified Cost Professional (Elena-LS)
абрев., авіац., трансп. currency of the country of payment
абрев., банк. corporate card payments (MichaelBurov)
абрев., буд. chemical churning pile (MichaelBurov)
абрев., бізн. common commercial policy
абрев., біол. critical closing pressure
абрев., біот. Clathrin-coated pit (Altuntash)
абрев., бірж. central counterparty group (http://www.lchclearnet.com/ aht)
абрев., військ. Consolidated Cryptologic Program; Contract Change Proposal; Central Command Post; casualty collection point
абрев., військ., авіац. center console panel
абрев., ел. call circuit processor; call confirmation protocol; call control procedure; call control processor; central convergence perspective; certified computer programmer; channel change protocol; character count protocol; chrome circuit pattern; circuit change-over panel; communications configuration program; conformal contact photolithography; consumer control processor; contingency command post; cost control package; cross-connecting point; current crowding parameter
абрев., ел., науков. Critical Control Points
абрев., ел.тех. Converter Commutation Protector (Siemens annvoron)
абрев., зв’яз. Capability Configuration Parameters; cross connection point
абрев., землезн. Canadian Climatological Program (CCC); chalcopyrite; classopollis-cyathidites-pinuspollenites; Commission on Comparative Planetology; Consultative Committee for Photometry; pseudo-cubic close packed
абрев., комп., мереж. certified computing professional; communication control package; communication control program
абрев., комп., мереж., IT Collaborative Computational Project
абрев., контр.як. contract change proposal
абрев., корп.упр. change control policy
абрев., косм. call control port; closed cherry-picker; communication control processor; cost control program; crop classification performance
абрев., космон. Commercial Crew Program (semfromshire)
абрев., мед. Columnar Cell Papilloma; Comprehensive Clinical Psychology; Cooperative Cardiovascular Project; Council For Cardiology Practice; Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (ННатальЯ); cystocolpoproctography (doktortranslator); Cancer Cure Program; complement regulatory protein
абрев., менедж. current contract price
абрев., назв.орг. Codex Contact Point
абрев., нафт. Composite Correction Plan; casing circulating packer; central compressor plant; compiler control program; computer controlled polisher; computer controlled pumping; conventional casing program; Cretaceous-Cenozoic Basin Studies Program; critical compression pressure; cubic closest packing
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал. change control procedure
абрев., опт. computer-controlled polisher
абрев., політ. Chinese Communist Party
абрев., прогр. chance-constrained programming (ssn)
абрев., стат. corporate communication plan
абрев., текстиль. customs clearance permit
абрев., тлф. cross-connection point
абрев., торг. Chambre de Commerce de Paris; counter-cyclical payment
абрев., фін. central counterparty clearing house (www.investopedia.com/terms/c/ccph.asp kotechek); central counterparty (zambezi)
абрев., харч. Controlled Condensation Process system (valambir)
абрев., харч., сист.безп. critical control point
абрев., ЦП central counter party
абрев., шотл.вир. Casualty Collecting Post; Central Control Point; Coherent Countermeasures Processor; Combat Command Post; Combined Command Post; Computer Control Panel; Consolidated Containerisation Point; Contingency Communications Package; Control & Correlation Processor
абрев., юр. Code of Civil Procedure; Code of Criminal Procedure
аероп., авіац. Concepcion, Chile
військ. casualty clearing point; casualty collecting point; circulation control point; command control panel; command control post; Communications Checkpoint; communications control package; communications control panel; configuration change plan; configuration control panel; console control package; consolidated cryptologic program; consolidation and containerization point; container control point; contamination control point; cross-check procedure
енерг. coal cracking process; combined cycle plant; credit card payments; critical channel power
комп. central collection point
тех. cable connector panel; centrifugal charging pump; chemical control procedure; command and control panel; compression control protocol; continuous correlation processing; core component pot
тех., абрев. chance-constrained programming
Ccp. скор.
абрев. chalcopyrite
ccp скор.
мед. citrulline-containing proteins (белки, содержащие цитруллин A_P_C)