
Терміни за тематикою Майкрософт що містять angulo | усі форми
comilla angular de aperturaopening chevron (The " character)
comilla angular de cierreclosing chevron (The " character)
corchetes angularesangle brackets (The <> characters)
corchetes angularesangle brackets (The
límite angularmiter limit (The limit of the thickness of the join on a mitered corner. The miter limit controls how long the corner point of a miter join can get before it is automatically squared off into a bevel join)
unidad angularangular unit (The unit in which angles are expressed in ShapeSheet cells)
unión angularmiter join (The join style where the ends of two consecutive lines or paths form a sharp or a clipped corner, depending on whether the length of the miter exceeds the miter limit)
ángulo de giroangle of rotation (The angle of the orientation of a shape's local coordinate system with respect to its parent coordinate system. The angle of rotation is specified in the Angle cell of the Shape Transform section in a ShapeSheet spreadsheet)
ángulo de torsióntwirl angle (The angle that determines the curve from the inner points and the outer points)
ángulo de tramaline screen angle (The angle of the lines of dots for each of the halftone screens that are used in process color printing)
ángulo del conocone angle (The angle between the edges of the spot light's beam. If you shine a flashlight on the ground, you will notice that it does not light the ground evenly, but that the light gets dimmer the farther from the center it gets. The cone angle determines how quickly this falloff happens)
ángulo inicialstart angle (The angle of rotation, between 0 and 360, at which the scale will begin. The zero (0) position is located at the bottom of the gauge, and the start angle rotates clockwise. For example, a start angle of 90 degrees starts the scale at the 9 o'clock position)