
Терміни за тематикою Релігія що містять акт | усі форми | лише в заданій формі
акт вероотступничестваact of apostasy (Alex_Odeychuk)
акт верыauto-da-fe
акт верыauto-de-fe
акт верыact of faith A public ceremony during which the sentences upon those brought before the Spanish Inquisition were read and after which the sentences were executed by the secular authorities
"Акт о единоверии"Act of Uniformity (1662, the Act that required reordination of many pastors, gave unconditional consent to the Book of Common Prayer, advocated the taking of the oath of canonical obedience, and renounced the Solemn League and Covenant)
акт о единообразииact of uniformity
Акт о супрематииAct of Supremacy 1534, the Act in which the Parliament recognized King Henry VIII as supreme head of the Church of England
акт священнодействияConsecratio ("consecration", Cons.)
акт священнодействияconsecration
Акты ПилатаActs of Pilate
Акты ПилатаActa Pilata
Акты святыхActa Sanctorum (The great collection of biographies and legends of the saints, arranged according to their feast days; it was edited and published by Bollandists)
совершать акт возмездияvenge
совершение акта поклонения богамact of worship (идолам и пр.)
тест-актTest Act In England, Scotland, and Ireland, any law that made a person's eligibility for public office depend upon his profession of the established religion
являться актом вероотступничестваbe an act of apostasy (Alex_Odeychuk)