
Терміни за тематикою Кліше що містять Это | усі форми | лише в заданій формі
Актуальность этой проблемы вызвана тем, чтоthis problem is important today because (предложил Палажченко П.Р. Leonid Dzhepko)
в этих условияхunder the current conditions (“We’re hearing more concerns around the well-being of staff,” Talbot said. “It’s becoming increasingly difficult to operate under the current conditions.” vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
в этом есть доля правдыthis has some truth to it (When I asked him how Russia proposed to pay for a prolonged war effort, he shot back: “We pay for it all from our sales of oil to Europe via India.” This was bravado, but it had some truth to it. nytimes.com ART Vancouver)
в этом не может быть сомненийof that there can be no doubt (UFOs are real, of that there can be no doubt. It all depends, though, on what you mean by 'real'... (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
в этом он правhe has a point there
в этом отношенииas far as this is concerned (There are no hormones or antibiotics in your milk. Canada has strict regulations as far as this is concerned. ART Vancouver)
в этом отношенииon this count (On this count you're very, very wrong. ART Vancouver)
в этом сутьthat's what ... is all about ("That's not conflict of interest. That's favoritism." Fine – whatever you call it, should there be inequality in sports? "If you take the risk, if you put up the money. That's what free enterprise is all about." (Vanity Fair) ART Vancouver)
в этом я совершенно уверенof that I am positive ('It was definitely not an aircraft, of that I am positive. None of us had ever seen anything like it before.' (Anthony Colin, First Officer, British Airways jumbo jet, 22 Apr 1987) ART Vancouver)
вам не помешало бы это сделатьyou would be well served in doing so (If you have a car make sure to not leave anything in there. If you have the option of increasing insurance coverage for window breakage, you would be well served in doing so. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
вам это даром не пройдётyou won't get away with it (ART Vancouver)
вдумайтесь, что это значитlet that sink in (75k a year income can't get you a rental here at today's rate. Let that sink in. ART Vancouver)
вот это что-л.!that's a big sth.! (говоря о размере: The aptly named Shelley Smith helped wrangle the tortoise after spotting workers looking at what she thought was a rock in the field beside her Gilbert Street home in Richmond, south of Vancouver. "I looked again and saw ... it was moving. Ever so slowly — but moving," said Smith. "I walked over and we were all looking at it and saying 'jeez!' That's a big turtle! And he was just looking around at us like 'Hey, help me.'" -- Вот это черепаха! cbc.ca ART Vancouver)
вот это да!look at that! (возглас изумления: Oh, my goodness! Look at that! youtube.com ART Vancouver)
вот это точноyou got that right (Leonid Dzhepko)
вы за это заплатитеyou've got something coming to you (ART Vancouver)
да что же это делаетсяoh, for crying out loud (возмущённая реакция на новости: Oh, for crying out loud! -- Да что же это такое творится / делается! ART Vancouver)
да что же это такое творитсяoh, for crying out loud (возмущённая реакция на новости: Oh, for crying out loud! -- Да что же это такое творится / делается! ART Vancouver)
давайте не будем касаться этой темыlet's leave that aside (As for a suggestion that the property tax needs to be raised by 3 percent, let’s leave that aside. ART Vancouver)
дальше этого от истины нет ничегоnothing could be further from the truth (ART Vancouver)
до этого ещё далекоthat's a long ways off (The long-range forecast does include some rain but that's a long ways off. ART Vancouver)
до этого ещё далекоit's got a long way to go ("Well, we'll see what happens. It's got a long way to go, just so you understand. That has a long, long way to go." – До этого ещё очень далеко. – Donald Trump in an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes." ART Vancouver)
до этого ещё далекоit's a long way off (ART Vancouver)
если вам это удобноif that works for you (Call us, text us or shoot us an email if that works for you. ART Vancouver)
если это в самом деле такshould that be the case (Although the origins of the doll appear to be shrouded in mystery, one business owner in Lucinda claims that the 'little girl' and her swing were created by a local couple as something of an art installation with the goal of adding some color to the community. Should that be the case, their mission has proven to be a strange success as the town has now become infamous for being the home of a haunted doll that curses anyone who dares go near it. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
если это действительно такshould that be the case (Although the origins of the doll appear to be shrouded in mystery, one business owner in Lucinda claims that the 'little girl' and her swing were created by a local couple as something of an art installation with the goal of adding some color to the community. Should that be the case, their mission has proven to be a strange success as the town has now become infamous for being the home of a haunted doll that curses anyone who dares go near it. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
если это такif that is the case (The lack of any new sightings or evidence suggests that if these things ever existed at all, then they may well have already gone extinct or are close to it. If that is the case, then perhaps we will never know what they were or are. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
за год до этогоa year before (It had a man's body and was well over 7 feet from head to toe, with a similar wingspan. The sergeant told him that another guard had seen something similar a year before. -- что за год до этого нечто подобное видел другой часовой (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
за этим нужно следитьthat will be something to watch for (bloomberg.com Alex_Odeychuk)
именно в этот моментit was then that (что-то произошло: At first, they thought it was a joke being played on them by their friends, but as the wailing intensified they ran away in a panic. As the two friends ran down the hill along a trail they reached a curve in the path, and it was then that the source of the alien howling made itself known. According to Carlson, a huge, 7-to-8-foot-tall hairy female creature, naked except for a cloth around the waist, lumbered into view. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
иначе это никак не назовёшьno other way to look at it (A renoviction. No other way to look at it. I really feel for those impacted. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
иначе это никак не назовёшьthere is no other way of putting it (It was illegal, there's no other way of putting it. ART Vancouver)
исходя из этих цифрbased on these numbers (ART Vancouver)
как бы глупо это ни прозвучалоas silly as it sounds (Leonid Dzhepko)
как бы печально это ни звучалоas sad as it sounds (В. Бузаков)
как же это?how come? ("How come your old man didn't leave you some money?" I sneered. "Or did you blow it all?" (Raymond Chandler) – "Как же так получилось, что твой старик не оставил тебе деньжат? Или ты всё промотал?" ART Vancouver)
как это ... ?what do you mean – ...? (expressing surprise: What do you mean – you're not going? – Как это ты не пойдёшь? • The bag was completely empty. "Why, there's nothing in it!" "What do you mean -- nothing?" ART Vancouver)
как это возможно?how is it possible? (Юрий Гомон)
как это лучше сделать?what's the best way to go about it? (ART Vancouver)
как это ни печальноsad though it may be (Former Vancouver mayor Kennedy Stewart is up to his old habits: parading petty grievances around like serious issues. This habit is long past being tiresome and is completely unbefitting someone who held top job in our country’s third largest city. Sad though it may be, this is now the go-to leftist political playbook: righteous victory if you win, blame systemic discrimination if you lose. nationalpost.com ART Vancouver)
как это ни удивительноsurprisingly (Surprisingly, London's 25 in. of rain a year is less than in many parts of the Continent -- Rome has 32 in., Nice 31 in. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
как это понимать?what's the idea? (недовольно ART Vancouver)
классический труд на эту темуclassic work on this subject (But as the psychic researcher G.N.M. Tyrrell commented when describing the 'perfect apparition' in his classic work on this subject, "Apparitions": 'The apparition might speak to us, and possibly it might go as far as to answer a question; but we should not be able to engage it in any long conversation.' -- в своём классическом труде на эту тему (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") • В своем классическом труде «Состояние человека» писатель Томас Китинг рассказывает интересную притчу. (vk.com) ART Vancouver)
лично я ничего не имею против этогоI have no problem with that (ART Vancouver)
лично я нормально к этому отношусьI have no problem with that (ART Vancouver)
меня часто спрашивают об этомI get this question a lot (ART Vancouver)
меня это вполне устраиваетI'm just fine with that (ART Vancouver)
меня это вполне устраиваетI'm fine with that (ART Vancouver)
меня это просто поражает!it just blows me away! (expressing anger, indignation ART Vancouver)
мне знакомо это чувствоI know what it feels like (Юрий Гомон)
мне знакомо это чувствоI know how it feels (Юрий Гомон)
мне ли этого не знатьI ought to ("By the way, Watson, you know something of racing?" "I ought to. I pay for it with about half my wound pension." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
мне об этом постоянно говорятI get that all the time ("You're really tall!" "Yeah, I get that all the time." ART Vancouver)
мне от этого не легчеthat doesn't make me feel any better ("They say now there's all sorts of checks and balances in place." "That doesn't make me feel any better." ART Vancouver)
мне это не нравитсяI don't much like the sound of that (She's coming with her lawyer? I don't much like the sound of that. ART Vancouver)
мне это не пришло в головуit just didn't occur to me (ART Vancouver)
мне это никогда не приходило в головуthat never occurred to me (Whoa! That never occurred to me. Glad you posted this. ART Vancouver)
можете в этом не сомневатьсяmake no mistake about it (Mrs. Higgins. 'You certainly are a pretty pair of babies, playing with your live doll.' | Higgins. 'Playing! The hardest job I ever tackled: make no mistake about that, mother.' (Bernard Shaw, 'Pigmalion') -- можешь в этом не сомневаться • "Make no mistake about it, Vancouver is open for business again." (Mayor Ken Sim, City of Vancouver ) ART Vancouver)
мы это обсудимwe'll talk it over
на основании этого можно прийти к заключению, чтоthis leads one to conclude that (The 'flipper' picture shows a central 'rib', suggesting that propulsion would come from a flipper folding on the forward stroke, the mechanism for which is not apparent. Alternatively, the flipper would have to be rotated, or slewed, on the forward stroke, although again there is no obvious stiffening sufficient for this. This leads one to conclude that the flipper is not a prime source of propulsion, since power would be lost on one stroke rather than being gained on both as with a true flipper; this in turn would eliminate the plesiosaur as a candidate. The animal would therefore have to be propelled by its tail, with the flipper possibly functioning for steering -- or even as a brake. (Adrian Shine) ART Vancouver)
на основании этого можно сделать вывод, чтоthis leads one to conclude that (The 'flipper' picture shows a central 'rib', suggesting that propulsion would come from a flipper folding on the forward stroke, the mechanism for which is not apparent. Alternatively, the flipper would have to be rotated, or slewed, on the forward stroke, although again there is no obvious stiffening sufficient for this. This leads one to conclude that the flipper is not a prime source of propulsion, since power would be lost on one stroke rather than being gained on both as with a true flipper; this in turn would eliminate the plesiosaur as a candidate. The animal would therefore have to be propelled by its tail, with the flipper possibly functioning for steering -- or even as a brake. (Adrian Shine) ART Vancouver)
на этот счётin that regard (—used to refer to something just mentioned (Merriam-Webster): We will take care of supplying the food, so you have nothing to worry about in that regard. • "Да, Ангела Меркель была права на этот счет." (Франсуа Олланд ) ART Vancouver)
на этот счётas far as this is concerned (There are no hormones or antibiotics in your milk. Canada has strict regulations as far as this is concerned. ART Vancouver)
навести порядок в этом вопросеsort out the issue (One of my front teeth snapped off the other day and I was quoted £2k to get it fixed. I will never understand how dentists get away with charging so much to fix one tooth. The government needs to sort out the NHS dentistry issue as quickly as possible. (mirror.co.uk) ART Vancouver)
надеюсь, что это такI sure hope so (ART Vancouver)
надо было сначала подумать головой, что из этого получитсяshould have known better (The school was locked down by police. During their search, police located the staff member who they said had brought a vintage rifle into the school for a presentation. -- "Even if it’s old, you still can’t walk around with a gun. Dude should have known better." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
не в этом делоthat is not the point (That is not the point. What I'm saying is that some bus drivers should not be on the road. I just saw a near-accident caused by a transit bus travelling in the right turn lane and blowing straight through the intersection. The guy turning left was almost T-boned. ART Vancouver)
не ждал от тебя этогоthat's a nice thing to say (обиженная реакция: That's a nice thing to say. -- Вот уж этого я от тебя не ждал. ART Vancouver)
не жилец на этом светеas good as dead (igisheva)
не надо из этого делать трагедиюdon't go making a tragedy out of it (Leonid Dzhepko)
не поймите это неправильноdon't take this the wrong way (Rust71)
не поймите это превратноdon't take this the wrong way (Rust71)
не понимаю, как это такthis doesn't make sense (This doesn't make sense. Dad saw the signs but didn't heed them. What did the dad think 'aggressive owl' meant? No really, please do a follow up story so he can explain what he thinks aggressive means. richmond-news.com ART Vancouver)
нелегко далось это решениеdid not make this decision lightly ("I know that this is an extraordinary use of my powers under the Police Act and I did not make this decision lightly," Farnworth said in a Wednesday afternoon news conference. -- мне нелегко далось это решение cbc.ca ART Vancouver)
нет никакого сомнения в этомthere is no doubt about it
никто не мог этого предвидетьno one saw it coming (ART Vancouver)
ну, знаете, это уже слишком!well, for goodness' sake! (выражая возмущение ART Vancouver)
от этого хочетсяit makes you want to (“There have always been rich people here,” says Géraldine, who works in a Saint-Tropez public library, tucked away near the Dior cafe that charges €12 (£10.30) for an ice tea and the White 1921 hotel, where rooms start at €600 a night. “But now there are so many of them, and everything is so ‘luxe’ it makes you want to throw up. – что от этого хочется theguardian.com ART Vancouver)
полностью согласен с вами в этом вопросеI'm with you on that one (ART Vancouver)
поскорее с этим покончитьget this over with (I'm all excited to get this over with! ART Vancouver)
при чём тут это?what's that got to do with it?
пример этогоa case in point is
примером этого являетсяan example of this is ("Diseases are not genetic in any way, shape, or form. They're simple nutritional deficiencies," Wallach declared. An example of this, he continued, is osteoporosis, which he said is caused by a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D3 and other minerals like copper. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
проезжать мимо этого местаpass by there (Yeah I passed by there earlier and it’s a mess for sure. The cars are totaled, the truck flipped and stopped against a lamp pole with its rear wheels up under the hood in front of the Chinese restaurant there on the south side. -- я проезжал мимо этого места reddit.com ART Vancouver)
Прошу прощения за эту ошибкуI apologize for the oversight (Leonid Dzhepko)
пустое это делоhere goes nothing (igisheva)
разобраться в этой проблемеsort out the issue (One of my front teeth snapped off the other day and I was quoted £2k to get it fixed. I will never understand how dentists get away with charging so much to fix one tooth. The government needs to sort out the NHS dentistry issue as quickly as possible. (mirror.co.uk) ART Vancouver)
с чего ты это взял?what makes you say that? (C чего ты это взял(а)? – What makes you say that? ART Vancouver)
сделайте это немедленноdo it right away
сказать, что -- это ничего не сказатьto_say is an understatement (Checked out the new seafood place in Lincoln Square… to say it is popular is an understatement. Had to wait in line for two hours if you can believe it! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
словно в ответ на этоas if on cue (at the exact moment one would expect (Oxford Dictionary) ART Vancouver)
согласно этому исследованиюthe study found that (ART Vancouver)
суть не в этомthis is beside the question (This, however, is beside the question. ART Vancouver)
ты уже ответил на этот вопросif you have to ask (It may mean, "By asking the question, you've answered the question." For example, "Do these pants make my butt look fat?" If you have to ask... ...then you already know that your butt looks fat in those pants. VLZ_58)
углубляться в эту темуgo deeper into this topic (I don't want go deeper into this topic right now. -- Я не хочу сейчас в эту тему углубляться. ART Vancouver)
углубляться в эту темуdelve deeper into the topic (ART Vancouver)
что из этого вышло?what was the outcome? (ART Vancouver)
что это значит?what's the idea? (недовольно ART Vancouver)
что это изменит?what difference will it make? (File a complaint? What difference will it make? -- Что это изменит? ART Vancouver)
эта ваша винаit's your fault
это больше не повторитсяit won't happen again (Юрий Гомон)
это была авантюраit was a reckless scheme (Leonid Dzhepko)
это была авантюраit was a crazy scheme (Leonid Dzhepko)
это была авантюраit was a reckless attempt (предложено Палажченко П.Р. Leonid Dzhepko)
это было к лучшемуit was for the best (A third brother—Vasco Anes Corte-Real—was willing to launch a second search party to recover his lost siblings, but the king of Portugal denied his request. Based on the family’s track record, it was probably for the best. -- возможно, это было к лучшему / пожалуй, так было лучше mentalfloss.com ART Vancouver)
это вас не затруднитwill it be much trouble?
это всё меняетWhy, this alters everything (ART Vancouver)
это всё хорошо, ноthat's all fine and good, but (That's all fine and good, but they need to address the bottle neck around Hastings and Cassiar to make it work. ART Vancouver)
это выyou're the one (I suggest you're the one missing the point. -- А я считаю, это вы не понимаете, о чём идёт речь. ART Vancouver)
это вы должныyou should be the ones (+ gerund (мн.ч.): In the wake of yet another unprovoked pitbull attack when a five-month-old puppy was torn to bits, I am addressing all irresponsible fellow dog owners: you should be the ones championing stricter laws on this breed, you should be the ones writing this letter! ART Vancouver)
это говорит о многомthat speaks volumes (You have no idea how many of your neighbours are talking about your incredibly unkept yard, please do something about it! Your dandelions could be addressed in as little as a half an hour, with a tiny bit of effort and a weed puller. It really is not a big job for you to take on! If you can't then that speaks volumes!! Your good neighbour. ART Vancouver)
это другая историяthat is another story (igisheva)
это другая темаthat is another story (igisheva)
это другой вопросthat is another story (igisheva)
это ещё что за новость!that's a new one! (Leonid Dzhepko)
это ещё что за новость!Well, how do you like that! (Leonid Dzhepko)
это застало меня врасплохit took me by surprise
это к лучшемуthat's for the best (Perhaps that's for the best. -- Может быть, это и к лучшему. ART Vancouver)
это как раз что мне нужноthat's exactly what I want
это лишнееyou shouldn't have. (Leonid Dzhepko)
это меньше всего меня беспокоитthat's the least of my worries
это меня не касаетсяthat does not concern me
это меня устраиваетthat suits me very well
это напрасная потеря времениit's a waste of time
это не актуальноthis is irrelevant (предложил Палажченко П.Р. Leonid Dzhepko)
это не актуальноthis is of little importance now (предложил Палажченко П.Р. Leonid Dzhepko)
это не моё призваниеit is not my bag (narod.ru owant)
это не составит никакого трудаit will be no trouble
это невозможно установитьthere's no way of knowing (Based on the size of the footprints, it appears the child was less than 3 years old and did not accompany the older female on the return journey. Did she drop the kid off in a camp? Why were they traveling among dangerous animals on the slippery lakeshore? “There’s no way of knowing,” says Bennett. “But if you’ve ever rushed to get somewhere important while carrying a tired toddler, you’ve experienced a very similar emotion”—even if you weren’t looking over your shoulder for saber-toothed cats. smithsonianmag.com ART Vancouver)
это неизбежноthere's just no way around it (ART Vancouver)
это никуда не годитсяit is no good at all
это о многом говоритthat speaks volumes (You have no idea how many of your neighbours are talking about your incredibly unkept yard, please do something about it! Your dandelions could be addressed in as little as a half an hour, with a tiny bit of effort and a weed puller. It really is not a big job for you to take on! If you can't then that speaks volumes!! Your good neighbour. ART Vancouver)
это отдельная историяthat is another story (igisheva)
это отдельная темаthat is another story (igisheva)
это отдельный вопросthat is another story (igisheva)
это переборis a stretch (Is it your obsession with Eby and the NDP? Blaming him somehow for a project that was done by a different level of government before he was Premier is a stretch when there are so many legitimate things to complain about that aren’t childish whining like your comment. -- это уже перебор (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
это подходящий момент, чтобыthis is an appreciate moment to
это понятноthat makes sense (reacting to someone's explanation: That makes sense. -- Это понятно. ART Vancouver)
это с какой стороны посмотретьit's all about perspective (ART Vancouver)
это совершенно бессмысленноit makes no sense at all
это так, к словуas a side note (ART Vancouver)
это то, чем я живуthis is what I live and breathe (sankozh)
это ты во всём виноватthis is all your fault (ART Vancouver)
это ты точно подметилyou said it (ART Vancouver)
это ты точно сказалyou said it (ART Vancouver)
это что-то новенькоеthat's a new one (Montana is known for plenty of large wildlife like bears, mountain goats and elk. But elephants? That's a new one. (NBC Montana) youtube.com ART Vancouver)
это что-то новоеthat's a new one (Montana is known for plenty of large wildlife like bears, mountain goats and elk. But elephants? That's a new one. (NBC Montana) youtube.com ART Vancouver)
это я так, к словуjust sayin' (выражение завершает предположение или изложение фактов, избегая конкретных выводов ART Vancouver)
этого вполне достаточноthat's quite enough (Okay, I think that's quite enough. ART Vancouver)
этого нельзя избежатьthere's just no way around it (ART Vancouver)
этого следовало ожидатьthis was to be expected (This was to be expected. No Judge will convict politicians that were or are in Government. Waste of money. Glad we are rid of him as Mayor. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
этому не суждено было сбытьсяit wasn't meant to be (So, I returned to the Marine Corps, and did my best to disappear into obscurity. It wasn’t meant to be. Within a few months of my new assignment, I was visited by a CIA team, who briefed me on growing concerns that Iraq was hiding weapons and seeking my advice on how they should go about organizing to uncover evidence of their existence. swentr.site ART Vancouver)
этот вопрос неотступно меня преследуетthis stays a nagging question (There did seem to be something of a chemistry between the General Secretary and myself. Certainly it was different from talking to Gromyko. Incidentally, twice in our private conversation he invoked the name of God and once cited a Bible verse. This has stuck in my mind and stays a nagging question that won't go away. (Ronald Reagan's letter, Feb 10, 1986) ART Vancouver)
этот план вполне осуществимthat's a feasible plan
я в этом не сомневаюсьI have no doubt about that (ART Vancouver)
я знаю, каково этоI know what it feels like (Юрий Гомон)
я знаю, каково этоI know how it feels (Юрий Гомон)
я знаю, что это такоеI know what it feels like (Юрий Гомон)
я знаю, что это такоеI know how it feels (Юрий Гомон)
я могу это понятьI can see that ("I asked them if paying with a bank draft was okay and they told me it was, but they need to go with me to my bank when I get the bank draft. That last part threw me for a loop. They explained it was because they have been dealing with an increase of scams this is their new policy. They will go into the bank with me, but won't stand looking over my shoulder. Is this a new standard?" "I can see that. Bank drafts can be forged. It's risk management for them. I think the bank has a right to return payments with forged signatures years later." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
я не подумал об этомit just didn't occur to me (ART Vancouver)
я не стану это отрицатьI won't deny that
я не хочу в этом участвоватьI don't want any part of it (ART Vancouver)
я никогда не задумывался об этомthat never occurred to me (Whoa! That never occurred to me. Glad you posted this. ART Vancouver)
я это сделал по моему собственному желаниюI did it of my own accord
я этого не понимаюI can't make it out