
Терміни що містять 重视 | усі форми | лише у вказаному порядку
заг.重视care nothing about
заг.重视set no great store by
заг.重视trifle (with)
с/г., стат.重视indifference (indifferentia)
с/г.重视cry down
заг.重视have no regard for
заг.重视be careless about
заг.重视hold... of no account
торг.重视运输包装be careless about the shipping packing
заг.不受重视carry no weight
фін.不受重视欢迎at a discount
тех.二重透视doubly perspective
бізн.二重透视的doubly perspective
бізн.交货时间对我们来说非常重要,希望你方能够重视You know that time of delivery is very important to us. I hope you can give our request your special consideration
заг.他不重视那个方法he does not think much of that method
ек.他们对这笔订货很重视They attach great importance to this order
заг.出于对… 的重视<#0>out of regard for
заг.双重图像电视接收机duoscopic receiver
менедж.双重监视double check
військ., ППО双重监视检测系统double check system
тех.双重监视系统double check system
тех.双重透视圆柱投影double perspective cylindrical projection
тех.双重透视圆柱投影double perspective cylindric projection
спорт.受到媒体重视make headlines in the paper
заг.受到普遍重视meet with universal recognition
заг.受到普遍重视receive universal recognition
управл.проект.可重写数字视盘rewritable digital video disc
мультимед.可重写数字视频光盘rewritable digital video disc
косм.可重新部署的超视距雷达relocatable over-the-horizon radar
ел.呼叫重定向监视器call redirection supervisor
торг.在对外贸易中建立常设销售机构极受重视The establishment of a permanent sales organization is greatly favoured in foreign trade
заг.在小疼痛变得严重之前重视它,是很重要的Trying to ignore a small ache until it grows into a pain is just pointless
ел.多重处理诊断监视器multiprocessing diagnostic monitor
мор., тех.多重复合型视觉multiple complex visual
управл.проект.多重扫描监视器multiscan monitor
рекл.多重电视系统运营商multiple systems operator
розм.对…极为重视make a big deal out of
заг.重视take no count of
ек.重视put a premium for (good quality, 质量)
заг.重视take much count of
фін.很受重视be at a premium
тех.我们大多数人忽视了这一重要因素This important factor was scanted by most of us
ек.我们想提醒你要重视合同的此项条款We would like to remind you of respecting this clause in the agreement
торг.我方不同意你方信中的言外之意,即言我方对你方要求未予重视We don't agree with your implication in your letter that we ignored your requirements
заг.政府非常重视进出口货物的检验工作The government attaches great importance to the import and export commodity inspection work
ек.来信是否有意指我们未重视你方的询盘?Did you imply in your letter that we ignore your enquiries?
дерев.板的视容重apparent density of board
ек.极为重视make the most many, much 的最高级 of
заг.毫不重视not care a fig for
заг.毫不重视not give a fig for
заг.毫不重视not value at a pin's fee
заг.毫不重视not set at a pin's fee
заг.毫无疑问,近视在我国的年轻人中是一个严重的问题There is no doubt that near-sightedness is a serious problem among the youth of our country
вибух.由于有降低成本的需要、重视矿工的健康和安全的问题以及随着毕业生技术水平的日渐提高、导致我们在20世纪的80年代末和90年代初越来越关注炸药技术的应用An ongoing need to reduce costs, and an increasing emphasis on the health and safety of mineworkers,together with the growing influence of technically skilled graduates resulted in increased attention being paid to explosives technologies during the late eighties and early nineties of the previous century
ел.电子战信息记录与视像重放recording and video playback of electronic warfare information
військ., ППО电子战情报的记录与视频重放recording and video playback of electronic warfare information
буд.电视演播室内最重要的灯光hot light
авто.电子学监视器重置watchdog reset
ел.监视计时器重装watchdog timer reload
заг.给予重视give weight to
військ., ППО脉间重合视频相关器pulse-to-pulse coincident video correlator
заг.若你不想让客户感到他不重要或者被忽视,你最好一知道有人等候就马上接电话If you want to avoid making people feel unimportant or ignored, pick up your phone as soon as you know you have a caller waiting
заг.be little accounted of
заг.be much accounted of
заг.M 被M重视weigh with
заг.重视in countenance
архіт.表观比重apparent specific gravity
землезн.视〔表观〕比重apparent specific gravity
тех.视图重构view restructuring
ел.视在比重apparent specific gravity
ел.视在比重apparent gravity
ел.视在的容重apparent density
ел.маш.视在重量apparent weight
інж.геол.视干比重apparent dry specific gravity
бізн.视情节轻重in accordance with the seriousness of the case
мет.视比重apparent gravity
мет.视比重apparent specific gravity
тех.视比重bulk specific gravity
тех.视比重煤样coal sample for determination of apparent specific gravity
тех.视觉二重性理论duplicity theory of vision
авто.视重optical weight
вітроен.视重力apparent gravity
нафт.视重量apparent weight
авіац.视频重放设备video play-black
ек.质和量都重要,不要强调一方面而忽视另一方面Both quality and quantity are important. Don't emphasize one and deemphasize the other
управл.проект.近来、 商业模式以拥有专利保护的知识产权形式出现、 更加为人们所重视Business models have taken on greater importance recently as a form of intellectual property that can be protected with a patent
заг.set great store by
тех.重力异常幻视oculogravic illusion
військ., ППО重合视频coincident video
ел.重建式超视频雷达reconstruction over-the-horizon radar
військ., ППО重点监视major surveillance
ЦП重点监视keeping focus
ек.重点监视名单priority watchlist
заг.重要文献摘要: "机器视觉"Key Abstracts: "Machine Vision"
авіац.重要视野区域important field of vision
заг.重视have a regard for
заг.重视take seriously
заг.M 重视 Mthink much of
заг.重视put a high value upon
заг.重视put a much value upon
заг.重视set a high value upon
заг.重视set a much value upon
заг.重视set a much value on
заг.重视set a high value on
заг.重视put a much value on
заг.重视put a high value on
заг.重视lay store on
заг.重视lay store by
заг.重视pay regard to
заг.不够,不重视set no price on
заг.重视be careful about
заг.M 重视 Mtake count of
заг.重视非常喜欢Mhold M dear
заг.重视have an eye to
заг.重视think highly of
заг.重视lay stress on
заг.重视make much of
заг.重视think much of
заг.M 重视Mplace emphasis on
заг.重视place a premium on
заг.不够,不重视set high price on
ек.重视account of
IT重视have regard to
ек.重视make of
заг.不够,不重视set little price on
заг.重视put a premium on
заг.重视lay weight on
заг.重视take account of
заг.重视attach importance to
заг.重视take... into account
заг.重视take something seriously
бізн.重视先验信息prior information regarder
Китай, політ.重视制度建设pay particular attention to making institutional improvements
фін.重视收益之衡量emphasis on income measurement
спорт, баск.重视整体防守team-oriented defence
ек.重视质量quality of reproduction
суднобуд.重视质量think much of quality
тех.重视风险risk premium
нав.阻力与视重量比drag to apparent weight (ratio)
військ., ППО雷达视频记录器与重放装置radar video recorder and play back equipment
заг.M 非常极,不太,简直不重视Mset much great, little, no store by
ек.非常重视at a premium
заг.非常重视hold ...in great account
торг.非常重视货物品质make much account of goods quality
Китай, політ.高度重视be very concerned about (smth)
Китай, політ.高度重视pay close attention to
Китай, політ.高度重视carefully consider
Китай, політ.高度重视place a high value on
Китай, політ.高度重视attach great importance to
Китай, політ.高度重视并且采取坚决有力措施maintain a high degree of vigilance and take firm and effective measures
Китай, політ.高度重视此项立法工作attach great importance to the enactment of the law
Китай, політ.高度重视此项立法工作attach great importance to formulating this legislation
Китай, політ.高度重视,狠抓place a high value on
Китай, політ.高度重视,狠抓pay particular attention to (doing)
Китай, політ.高度重视,狠抓pay close attention to (doing)
Китай, політ.高度重视……的立法工作place great importance on formulating and passing a law on (smth)
Китай, політ.高度重视监督法的制定工作pay close attention to the formulation of the Law on Oversight