
Терміни за тематикою Консалтинг що містять | усі форми
人口调census bureau
初步调preliminary investigation
初步调和可行性研究preliminary survey and feasibility study
初步调研究preliminary study
勘察和调厂址site prospecting and probing
联合国行政和预算程序工作小组Working Group on the Examination of the Administrative and Budgetary Procedures of the United Nations
市场远景的初步调preliminary market survey of prospects
情况status inquiry
户口调census bureau
招标审bid package review
询台information position
科学scientific inquiry
经济调bureau of economic research
美国普United States Bureau of the Census
设计审design review
试点调pilot investigation
委员会commission of investigation
委员会commission of inquiry
资产调status inquiry
资历prequalification questionnaires
预备调preliminary review