
Терміни за тематикою Техніка що містять | усі форми
一套钥匙grandmaster-keyed series
一次方法lump-sum basis
一次付的保险费lump-sum premium
一次付补助lump-sum subsidy
一次付金额a lump sum
一次lump-sum price
一次体薄膜应力primary general membrane stress
一次basket purchase
一维线unidirectional bus
一般细菌total general bacteria
三向分层合法three-dimensional layer-built total-sun method
三态线tristate bus line
三态线驱动器tristate bus driver
上升时间total ascent time
上市股票的市值aggregate value of listed stock
上游冲刷量total upstream erosion
上游水头upstream total head
上游泥沙流失total upstream erosion
下水道出水main outlet of sewer
不可吹除有机碳non-purgeable total organic carbon
不合理运输占装车数百分率percent of wagon loading of irrational transport to total wagon loadings accomplished
不定indefinite summation
专用自动电话交换private automatic exchange
世界出口贸易world's total trade volume
世界商船吨位world merchant tonnage
世界生产gross world product
世界贸易quantum of world trade
业务chief operating officer
业务部所在地principal place of business
丢失dropout count
中国技术进出口公司China National Technical Import & Export Corporation
中国石化公司China Petrochemical Corporation
中国远洋运输集团公司China Ocean Shipping Group Company
中子neutron inventory
中心central terminal station
中断线interrupt bus
中间轴支承countershaft mounting assy
串联式双制动tandem master cylinder
主冷却剂primary coolant inventory
主底板main floor unit
主机组major unit assemblies
主要principal assembly
主要成装配principal unit assembling
主部件成更换major unit assembly replacement
企业效率overall plant efficiency
传热热阻heating transfer resistance
传热系数overall coefficient of heat
估计损失estimated total loss
估计误差estimate total errors
倒车齿轮reverse gear assembly
借款安排general agreements to borrow
借款loan ledger
借款费用overall borrowing cost
借记total debts
债券负债gross bonded debt
债务outstanding amount of debt
债务对资产额比率debt-to-total assets ratio
branch manifold
分层和法layerwise summation method (计算地基沉降)
分布式排队双线distributed queue dual bus
分店branch ledger
分店账余额本branch balance book
分店交易由店记账branch records on home office books
分批batch total
分批控制batch control total
分支线branch highway
分散汇decentralized summary
分段运费的汇combination of sectional charges
分离线separate bus
分类batch total
分组计法gross and composite method
分通道线subchannel bus
分部经理division general manager
分项造价汇summary of element cost
切割器cutterbar assembly
列入汇表的数据tabulated data
列车制动力total train braking force
列车train gross load (tons)
列车阻力total train resistance
列车平均牵引average gross tonnage of train
利润mass of profit
利润gross profit
制冷central refrigerating plant
制动master cylinder
制动泵缸main braking cylinder
制动主缸brake master cylinder assy
体规划district planning
体规划district plan
区域平面图general location plan
各舱装卸作业时间hatch hour
合用线party line bus
合约规定工程费用最高限额guaranteed maximum cost
吊杆体稳定性integral stability of boom
同位素混合一交换模式general model of mixed-exchanged isotopes
同时线操作simultaneous bus operation
名义nominal population
名义工资nominal wage bill
名义账项nominal ledger
后勤物资需求overall logistical demand
后勤物资需求overall logistic demand
后部件rear unit assembly
含油气段的厚度total thickness of oil-gaseous section
含硫total sulphur content
含硫total sulfur content
吸人口inlet total pressure
吸入suction main
吸口inlet total pressure
吸收系数overall absorption coefficient
吸气getter capacity
吸水suction main
吸水main suction
售价gross proceeds
土壤酸度total acidity of soil
土壤团粒体积total volume of the soil aggregate
土壤水分应力total soil-moisture stress
土壤流失gross soil loss
土木工程师chief civil engineer
土样体积total volume of soil sample
土样体积total sample volume
土钻进尺total drilling footage of land drilling
在用燃具population of installed appliances
在航船all the shipping afloat
地下underground main
地下水库库容total capacity of groundwater reservoir
地下水资源groundwater inventory
地下水资源groundwater budget
地区sectional center
地形改正精度total accuracy of terrain correction
地板厚度aggregate floor depth
地板floor assembly
地板面积total floor space
地段平面设计layout plan
地段平面设计site plan
地热能热值gross calorific value of geothermal energy
地球化学geochemical population
地质勘査费用total expense of prospecting and exploration
地铁公司metro corporation
地面伽马量测量total count ground gamma-ray survey
地面和植物蒸发量evapotranspiration loss
地面径流volume of surface runoff
堤岸total bank height
状花序compound raceme
复合量因素compound amount factor
外围线peripheral bus
外围数据线peripheral data bus
外界条件complex of external condition
外装式空气喷射external air injection manifold
外设部件互联线peripheral component interconnect bus
线与多入口系统multiple bus and multiport system
线兼容的multibus compatible
线控制multibus control
线控制处理机multiple bus control processor
线模块multibus module
线结构multiple bus architecture
多变数multivariate population
多路体加密机multichannel bulk encryption unit
多路传输线multiplex bus
多路传送地址与数据线multiplexed address and data bus
多路转换线结构multiplexed bus structure
多路转换的线系统multiplexed bus system
frolic pad
supper club
大修费用total cost of heavy repair
大孔径钻进尺total drilling footage of big diameter borehole
大气循环general atmospheric circulation
大气循环atmospheric general circulation
大气环流general atmospheric circulation
大气环流atmospheric general circulation
大洋水深general bathymetrical chart of the oceans
大洋水深general bathymetric chart of the oceans
太阳改正增订量additional sun's correction
太阳辐射total solar radiation
太阳高度正量total correction of sun's altitude
头际重量actual gross weight
威尼斯督宫Doge's Palace of Venice
14~15世纪前期威尼斯督府Palazzo Ducale, Venezia
射气浓度emanation total consistence
小区中心等的branch center
就业total employment
市场价格aggregate market value
带有额和单价的合同contract with lump-sum and unit prices
带消火阀的消防fire main with fire valve
常务董事经理managing director
常年绿的树stay green throughout the year
开发成本total development cost
开支cost record summary
异养菌total number of heterotrophic bacteria
异步线接口asynchronous bus interface
异步线系统asynchronous bus system
引水service main
弯道曲率total curvature
弹性徐变回复应变total elastic-plus-creep recovery strain
弹簧main assemblage of spring
分析bulk analysis
分离效能overall resolution efficiency
分离效能指标overall resolution efficiency
分类账general ledger accounts
分辨效率total resolution efficiency
分辨率overall resolution
分配系数bulk partition coefficient
包与分包general contractor and subcontractor
包价协议lump-sum agreement
包价契约lump-sum agreement
包单价付款合同combined lumpsum and unit contract
包单位main contractor
包合同main contract
包合同single contract
额承包合同lump-sum contract
包合同all-in contract
包合约single contract
包合约general contract
包工main contractor
包工程lump-sum work
包干lump work (工作)
包整套新建公共住房turnkey-new construction
包租gross charter
包者general contractor
处理时间total time of treatment
处理时间total processing time
布置general layout (图)
布置图general outline
布置图site drawing
布置图general arrangement drawing
开关main cock
开关master cock
开关main supply switch
开关control switch
开关盘main switchboard
开支general overhead cost
开支overhead cost
开支overall charge
开支cost record summary
开空隙率total void ratio
开销overhead charges
异养菌total heterotrophic bacteria
total state
漂沙量total drift
码数gross yards
码穿孔机totalizing puncher
稀土total rare earth
范围total size
调整total trim
调节器main governor
送水扬程total delivery head
送风道main supply duct
main valve
TOD需氧量total oxygen demand
需氧量自动检测仪TOD total oxygen demand automatic detector
需氧量自动检测装置TOD total oxygen demand automatic detector
需水量gross water requirement
需求integrated demand (量)
需求total demand (量)
需求aggregate demand (量)
需求清单ground requirement list
需求热量total heat requirement
需要功率total-power requirement
成分composition population
成品产量total products
成本prime cost sum
成本会计cost accounting over-view
成本费用summary statement of cost and fee
指定的量单位assigned amount unit
价百分比收费合同percentage contract
价百分比计费percentage fee
造价百分比计费的合约percentage agreement
按分项费用估算造价法unit-in-place method
按收入额计算的营业费用率operating ratio based upon revenues
挖土机total volume of excavated soil
挥发性固体物total volatile solids
挥发性盐基total volatile basic nitrogen
搅拌机容量gross volume
支出total outlay
支出gross expenditures
支承剂用量amount of propants
支柱承载力aggregate resistance of support
收入gross income
收入汇income summary
收尘面积gross filter area
收支汇summary statement of receipts and expenditures
收支汇summary of receipts and expenditures
收料汇summary of material received
收益汇summary of earnings
收缩率校正process shrinkage
星体高度改正量total correction of star's altitude
最低成本法least total cost method
最后组装装配装配final assembly
最大垂度maximum total sag
最大效率maximum overall efficiency
最大盈利maximum overall profitability
最大质量maximum gross mass
最大资源量maximum total resource
最大maximum gross weight (量)
最大长度maximum overall length
最大容许装载重maximum permissible gross laden weight
最大容许满载maximum permissible gross laden weight
最大尺寸尺寸boxed dimension
最小资源量minimum total resource
最小吉布斯能minimum total Gibbs energy
最终沉降量final total settlement
有效租金effective gross rent
有效蒸发effective evapotranspiration
有效温度total effective temperature
有效荷载与车辆重比payload-to-vehicle weight ratio
有效集参数质量effective lumped-parameter mass
有机碳量分析仪total organic cabon analyzer
期望报酬expected total reward
期货future sum
以128立方英尺为单位测量的木材cordage (1立方英尺=0.0283168立方米)
机器输入work input
机器的input work
机场体规划aerodrome master planning
机械工程师chief mechanical engineer
机电工程师chief electrical and mechanical engineer
机电工程师chief electric and mechanical engineer
机车重吨公里locomotive gross ton kilometers
机车阻力total resistance of locomotive
机车平均牵引average locomotive drawing gross weight
机车平均牵引average gross haul tonnage of locomotive
机车每万重吨公里平均燃料电力消耗量average fuel electric power consumption of locomotive per 10000-gross weight-ton-kilometer
机钻进尺total drilling footage of machine drilling
标价bid abstract
标价汇bid tabulation
标价汇bid abstract
标准统计汇standard statistical tabulation
样本total number of samples
核定投资authorized investment
核定投资approved investment
模拟线emulation bus
模拟线驱动器analogue line driver
模拟线驱动器analog line driver
横轴horizontal shaft complete
缴的人头税lump-sum tax
minor total
气动油制动air-powered master cylinder
气源air supply manifold
气象Main Meteorological Office
气象Main Meteorologic Office
氧化铁氧化铝含量ferric and aluminium oxide content
氧化铁氧化铝含量ferric and aluminum oxide content
氯化钙氯化镁含量calcium and magnesium oxide content
氯化钠氯化钾含量sodium and potassium oxide content
氯或氮的total chlorine or nitrogen
氰化物total cyanide
water header
水头测量单位压力total water gauge
水头测量单位压力total water gage
水平应力horizontal total stress
水库容量total storage (capacity)
水库库容reservoir volume
水泵扬程gross pump head
水泵效率wire-to-water efficiency
水流volume of flow
水源地出水量total yield of water sources
水源地建设投资total investment of water source construction
水的固体total solids of water
水质脆弱带general water quality vulnerability zone map
洪水历时total flood duration
洪水volume of flood
清偿基础差额overall balance on liquidity basis
温度temperature sum
温度summation of temperature
温度和规律temperature sum rule
港务管理National Ports Authority
港口体布置overall layout of port
港口体布置general layout of port
港口体规划master plan of port
港口体规划general arrangement of port
港口体设计general design of port
港口图规划general plan of port
港口图规划general layout of port
港口平面设计general plan design of port
港口管理费general port overheads
港域面积total port area
游离氧化钙total free lime
焊条直径overall diameter of electrode
球形日射表spheric pyranometer
理论功率overall theoretical power
理论功率overall theoretic power
生产total value of production
生产费用和运输费production cost and freight
生化需氧量量负荷biochemical oxygen demand mass loading
生境habitat complex
生活费用价格指数total price index of living cost
用户出口程序user totaling exit routine
用户开关consumer main switch
用户subscriber's main station
用户管service valve (一般在户外)
用户管service stop (一般在户外)
电源开关service entrance switch
电站功率total power of station
电站效率overall plant efficiency
电话telephone central office
电话main exchange
电话局交换机exchange for telephone general office
电话central exchange
电话机室telephone switchboard room
电话机室phone exchange room
电话机室telephone exchange room
温度true total temperature
真空缸及柱塞vacuum cylinder and plunger assembly
砂与集料量比sand-total aggregate ratio
砂与集料量比sand and total aggregate ratio
砂与骨料量比sand and total aggregate ratio
砂层厚的确定sand count
研究结报告end-of-study report
研究蓝图research master blueprint
破口水压力total hydraulic head on damaged part
稀土total rare earth content
程序线programme bus
程序线program bus
程序组batch total
累加穿孔数accumulated total punching
累加accumulating total
累积供给函数aggregate supply function
累积cumulative total
累计穿孔数accumulated total punching
累计工业产值total cumulative output value of industry
编组场作业性能total yard performance
耕作面积total area under cultivation
耗用材料汇summary of material consumed
耗用零件成本汇summary of cost finished parts used
脉冲线pulse bus
舞台灯光开关blackout switch
航标体配布设计general placement design of aids-to-navigation
航标体配布设计general layout design of aids-to-navigation
航运Maritime Administration
航道工程体设计master design of waterway project
舭水bilge main
舱底水bilge main pipe
船体承受纵弯曲的构件ship girder
船的吨数gross ton
船的吨数gross tonnage
船舶吨数gross tonnage of ship
船舶布置general arrangement
船舶流向general direction of traffic flow
船舶停泊艘天数total ship-days in port
船舶停泊艘次数total number of calls
船闸充水分lock filling branch manifold
船闸闸室进水intake main of lock chamber
营业business sales
营业收入total revenue
营业收支汇summary of operating revenue and expenses
营造商支付给分包商的prime cost sum
调值价合同total and adjustable price contract
调整合同adjusted total price of contract
调整后的收益adjusted gross income (房地产)
调查项目费用total cost of investigation terms
贝克曼氧化剂分析仪Beckmann total oxidant analyzer
负债额及净值total liabilities and networth
负债额周转率turnover ratio of total liabilities
负债额对净值的比率ratio of total liability to net worth
负债额对资产总额的比率total debt to total assets
负债及净值total liabilities and networth
负债及资本净值额周转率turnover of total liabilities and net worth
财产估价gross assessed value of property
财产商品分类账general ledger for property and commodities
财力负担汇summary statement of resources and obligations
账面价值gross book value
货币额指标monetary aggregate
货油系统main cargo line (油轮上)
货车在港停留车时total wagon-hours in port
货运general bill of lading
货运机车牵引gross tonnage of freight locomotive hauled
贸易total value of trade
贸易total volume of trade
贸易及关税协定General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
费用净增加数total net additional cost
退休津贴total retirement benefits
送风header pipe
选组batch total
透光长度total transparent length
通气common air chamber
通气air trunk
通用机架toolbar assembly
通过式through terminal
通过轨道million gross tones
通风trunk duct
通风air trunk
造船工程师chief constructor
销货额法total sales method
销货净额对资产额的比率ratio of net sales to total assets
锅垢total weight of pot filth
锅炉给水boiler feed main
锚系anchor assembly
阳离子total cation
阳离子total amount of cation
阴离子total amount of anion
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