
Терміни що містять what's up with | усі форми | лише у вказаному порядку
МакаровI think I know what's up with the washing machineдумаю, что я понял, что случилось со стиральной машиной
заг.I think I know what's up with the washing machineдумаю, я понял, что случилось со стиральной машиной
заг.that ties up with what I was sayingэто согласуется с тем, что я говорил
розм.what is up with?по какой причине? (что-то происходит: "Anyone have any idea what is up with the fireworks downtown right now?!" "They're celebrating the Oilers victory in our own backyard. Bastards!" (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
розм.what is up with?с какой стати? (что-то происходит: "Anyone have any idea what is up with the fireworks downtown right now?!" "They're celebrating the Oilers victory in our own backyard. Bastards!" (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
розм.what is up with?в чём там дело? (что-то происходит: "Anyone have any idea what is up with the fireworks downtown right now?!" "They're celebrating the Oilers victory in our own backyard. Bastards!" (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
розм.what's up withчто с (Do you know what's up with Matt? VLZ_58)
розм.what's up withчто происходит (What's up with Lee these days? VLZ_58)
ритор.what's up withк чему это (Alex_Odeychuk)
ритор.what's up withзачем вообще (Alex_Odeychuk)
розм.what's up withкак дела у (VLZ_58)
заг.what's up with...?... В чём тут дело? (Tourists tend to ask: What's up with able-bodied young men panhandling on every corner in downtown Vancouver? ART Vancouver)
розм.what's up with that?в чём тут дело? (What's up with all the Starbucks closing in Vancouver? – Even Starbucks can't afford commercial rents. The Kits Beach 'bucks is shuttering after 27 years. 4th & Bayswater, Broadway & Stephens, Oak & 67th locations have also closed in recent months. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
розм.what's up with that?и что это значит? (VLZ_58; Почему это так? (Man, you know, (if) you ask a lot of women to describe their ideal man (and) they'll describe another woman. What's up with that?) happyhope)
розм.what's up with that?что за дела? (Выражает недовольство, удивление какой-либо ситуацией.: He didn't tell me about this. What's up with that? • My car broke down twice this month. What's up with that? TranslationHelp)
розм.what's up with that?в чём дело? (Roger told me you're moving to Richmond. What's up with that? Don't like it here? ART Vancouver)
розм.what's up with that?в чём прикол? в чём фокус? (SirReal)
розм.what's up with that?как это понимать? (Выражает недовольство, удивление какой-либо ситуацией.: He didn't tell me about this. What's up with that? • My car broke down twice this month. What's up with that? TranslationHelp)
заг.what's up with that?что с этим не так? Ну и что? В чём тут дело? Почему это именно так? (You ask a lot of women to describe their ideal man – they'll describe another woman. What's up with that? из семинара Марка Гангора (Nothing's up with that. They just don't see the difference. ) Перевод, интонация и эмоция сильно зависят от контекста, поэтому здесь не может быть однозначного перевода. happyhope)
розм.what's up with thatкакие проблемы (VLZ_58)
розм.what's up with thatну и что (Выражение "what's up with that" употребляется дважды в фильме No Looking Back 1998 г., в котором одну из главных ролей исполнил Джон Бон Джови: 1. диалог между Чарли и Майклом: Charlie: ...and I happened to notice she didn't have a ring on her finger, man. Michael: What's up with that? It's because she doesn't have one. 2. диалог между Клодией и её знакомой Элис: Alice: So I heard that Charlie's been doing lunch over at the diner a lot these days. What's up with that? Claudia: -Nothing's up with that. Alice: Oh, really? People are talking. Claudia: Yeah? Well, you shouldn't listen to them. Надеюсь, оба контекста помогут happyhope перевести это выражение правильно. VLZ_58)
розм.what's up with you?ты что? (Юрий Гомон)
розм.what's up with you?что с тобой стряслось? (The bear, evidently, fared better in the collision than Milner did. “Man, those bears are built like a truck,” he said. “I thought I was going to die.” The bear also wasn’t phased by the bystander trying to ward it off from the injured and upset Milner. “He was kind of looking at me, really curious, kind of like, ‘What’s up with you?’ he said. “Then the bear just started eating grass. He pretty much just carried on with his day.” nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
розм.what's up with you?да что с Вами? (Andrey Truhachev)
розм.what's up with you?у вас что-то не так? (Andrey Truhachev)
розм.what's up with you?что с тобой такое? (Юрий Гомон)
заг.what's up with you?что с тобой?
заг.what's up with you?что с вами
заг.what's up with you now?ну что с тобой теперь?