
Терміни за тематикою Загальна лексика що містять Clearing House | усі форми | лише в заданій формі | лише у вказаному порядку
Central Clearing HouseЦентральная клиринговая палата (ЦКП Lavrov)
clear a boat at the custom-houseочистить товар (т.е. исполнить все формальности по таможне)
clear a ship at the custom-houseпровести очистку судна на таможне
clear goods at the custom-houseуплачивать таможенную пошлину на товары
clear out of a houseвыехать из дома (out of smb.'s room, out of a place, etc., и т.д.)
clear out of a houseосвобождать помещение (out of smb.'s room, out of a place, etc., и т.д.)
clearing houseинформационная служба (Linera)
clearing houseдепозитарно-распределительный документационный центр
clearing houseцентр анализа и синтеза информации
clearing houseклиринг-хауз
clearing houseликвидационная контора, в которой банкиры ежедневно сводят между собой счёты
clearing houseголовной расчётно-кассовый центр (Alexander Demidov)
Clearing Houseрасчётная палата
Clearing HouseСчётная палата
clearing houseклиринговая организация (also clearing-house 1) N-COUNT If an organization acts as a clearing house, it collects, sorts, and distributes specialized information. The centre will act as a clearing house for research projects for former nuclear scientists. 2) N-COUNT A clearing house is a central bank which deals with all the business between the banks that use its services. CCB. A clearing house is a financial institution that provides clearing and settlement services for financial and commodities derivatives and securities transactions. These transactions may be executed on a futures exchange or securities exchange, as well as off-exchange in the over-the-counter (OTC) market. A clearing house stands between two clearing firms (also known as member firms or clearing participants) and its purpose is to reduce the risk of one (or more) clearing firm failing to honor its trade settlement obligations. Wiki Alexander Demidov)
clearing houseрасчётно-клиринговая организация (A centralized and computerized system for settling indebtedness between members. The best known in the UK is the Association for Payment Clearing Services (APACS), which enables the member banks to offset claims against one another for cheques and orders paid into banks other than those upon which they were drawn. Similar arrangements exist in some commodity exchanges, in which sales and purchases are registered with the clearing house for settlement at the end of the accounting period. See: London Clearing House. OF&B Alexander Demidov)
Clearing House for Contracts Traded on Financial Marketsрасчётный центр по обслуживанию договоров на финансовых рынках (4uzhoj)
Clearing House Interbank Payments SystemЭлектронная система межбанковских клиринговых расчётов
clearing-houseдепозитарно-распределительный документационный центр
clearing-houseцентр анализа и синтеза информации
clearing-houseрасчётная плата
Commercial Clearing HouseКоммерческая расчётная палата
Futures clearing houseФьючерсная клиринговая палата (Lavrov)
Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange Clearing HouseРасчётная палата Московской межбанковской валютной биржи (Jasmine_Hopeford)
national clearing houseГосударственный расчётно-кассовый центр (Alexander Demidov)
transport clearing houseтранспортная клиринговая палата (МТ, ТКП Alexander Demidov)