
Терміни що містять observe | усі форми | лише в заданій формі
землезн.aircraft observe飞机观测
заг.can not observe不能观察
заг.can not observe不能看到
ел.cannot observe不能观察
ек.Either party must keep, observe and perform the agreement双方必须维护、遵守并履行本协议
ек.Every clerk must observe strict secrecy regarding all the information relative to the new product每个职员对有关新产品的一切情况必须严守秘密
Китай, політ.failure to observe the law, weak law enforcement and miscarriages of justice有法不依、执法不严、司法不公
Китай, політ.families that observe the family planning policy计划生育家庭
Китай, політ.families that observe the family planning policy计戈生育家庭
косм.high observe dive bombing高空观测俯冲轰炸
ек.In case of the outbreak of an epidemic disease, we should observe all the regulations, orders and requirements, made by the government or the sanitary authorities如果爆发任何一种流行病,我们应该遵守由政府或卫生部门制订的一切规章、命令和要求
авіац.naval aviation observe, navigation海军航空兵导航观察员
авіац.naval aviation observe, radar海军航空兵雷达观察员
авіац.naval aviation observe, tactical海军航空兵战术观察员
Китай, юр.observe academic norms遵守学术规范
мост.observe and survey观测
ек.observe one's contractual obligation遵守契约义务
торг.observe contractual obligations遵守合同规定
Китай, юр.observe discipline and law遵纪守法
Китай, політ.observe labour discipline遵守劳动纪律
тех.observe laws遵守法律
бізн.observe one's contractual obligation遵守契约义务
Китай, юр.observe professional ethics遵守职业道德
ЦПobserve professional ethics遵守职业道德证券市场上
Китай, політ.observe public order遵守公共秩序
Китай, юр.observe publicly and investigate privately明察暗访
Китай, політ.observe rules遵守规则
заг.observe silence保持沉默
Китай, політ.observe small clues that indicate what is coming in order to forestall any possible trouble见微知著,防范于未然
заг.observe that...评述说…
заг.observe that...注意到…
петанк.observe the bowl at close靠近大球进行观察
Китай, політ.observe the Constitution and other laws遵守宪法和法律
Китай, політ.observe the Constitution and the law in an exemplary way模范地遵守宪法和法律
спорт.observe the discipline遵守纪律
Китай, юр.observe the law尊法
Китай, політ.observe the law守法
Китай, юр.observe the law on securities遵守证券法律
ел.observe the polarity观察极性
тех.observe the proprieties遵守礼节
тех.observe the superficial venule辨络脉
заг.observe M under a microscope在显微镜下观察 M
Китай, юр.observe unified rules of the air遵守统—飞行规则
ек.Please observe the demand in the market for our manufactures and keep us advised请观察市场对我方产品的需要,并随时告知我们
Китай, політ.redress according to law the problems of failure to observe the law, weak law enforcement and miscarriages of justice依法纠正有法不依、执法不严、司法不公等问题
Китай, юр.strictly observe lawyers' professional ethics恪守律师职业道德
торг.We hope that you'll observe changes in your territory and keep us advised我们希望你方注意你方包销地区的变化并随时告诉我们
торг.We would observe that your request is unreasonable我们要说你方的要求是不合理的
ек.You shall faithfully keep, observe and perform the rules in the contract你方必须忠实信守和履行合同中各项规则