
Терміни за тематикою Бізнес що містять interest | усі форми | лише в заданій формі
abatement of interest低利息
absolute interest绝对利益
accounting rate of interest核算利息率
accrued bond interest应计利息
accrued bond interest应计未付债券利息
accrued interest积累利息
accrued interest应计未付利息
accrued interest on bonds sold应计售出债券利息
accrued interest on loan应付借款利息
accrued interest on mortgage应计抵押债务利息
accrued interest on note payable应计未付期票利息
accrued interest on notes payable应付未付证券利息
accrued interest receivable应收未收利息
acquired interest既得利益
additional paid-in capital from pooling of interest联营附加股本
additionally collected interest on loans on bills票据贷款加收利息
add-on interest内加利息以系分期付款的一种计息方法,即将分期付款的金额加上全部贷款利息,再摊分成每期还款金额
adjusted rate of interest已调利率
affiliated interest联营股权
affiliated interests附属或联号股权
affiliated interests附属或联号权益
Agio Theory of Interest英国西尼尔利息折扣论
amount at interest利息额
annual interest charge年付债务利息
anticipatory interest预期利益
appropriate interest rate合理利率
appropriate rate of interest合理利率
area of interest权利范围
assumed interest假定利息
assumed interest rate设定利率
attention, interest, desire, action注意、兴趣、愿望及行动
attention, interest, desire, action注意、兴趣、愿望、行动营销用语
average contracted interest rates on loans and discounts约定平均贷款和贴现利率
average contracted interest rates on loans and discounts of all banks全国银行约定平均贷款和贴现利率
bank rate of interest银行利率
base interest基本利润
base interest sate基础利润率
bear interest计息
bear on one's interests利害攸关
bearing interest计息
bearing interest生息
bearing no interest不计息
bearing no interest不计利息票据附注用语
beneficial interest受益人利益
beneficial owner of the interest利息受益所有人
benefit oneself at the expense of public interest损公利私
biological interest rate生物利率
Boston interest波士顿利息以每月30天计算,而不以实际天数计息
building society interest建房互助协会贷款利息
buy an interest in买…的股份
buyer's interest买方权益
buyer's interest投保人权益
calculation of interest on balance of exchange汇兑余额利息计算
calculation of interest on banking account银行存款利息计算
capitalization of interests滚利为本
cargo interest货方货物保险权益
cargo interests货方利益
cargo interests货方
carved out interest分割权利
carving up interest分割利益
cash deposit for bond interest备付债券利息存款
centre of interest利益所在
certificate of beneficial interest受益权证
certificate of beneficial interest利息享有权证
change in interest rate level利率水准变动
combination of responsibility, power and interest责、权、利相结合
commodity export interest account商品出口利息科目
common interest共同利益
community interest社区利益
community interest共同利益
community of interest共利集团
contingent interest或有权益
conversion factor in compound interest calculation复利计算中的换算因素
covered interest已抵补利息
covered interest已抵补的利息
covered interest arbitrage轧平套利交易
covered interest differential轧平利率差异
credit interest存款利息
cross currency interest accrual交叉通货利息增加额
cum interest附利息
cumulative interest累计利息
cumulative interest累积利息
current effective interest rate通用有效利率
day to day interest日利息
debit interest借方支出利息
debt interest债务利息
defaulter interest拖欠利息
default-free interest rate按时付现的利率
defeasible interest废止航程中的可保利益
deferred interest certificate递延利息付款凭单
deferred interest certificate延发利息通知书
deferred interest debenture延期付息债券
deferred interest income递延利息收入
deferred interest income account递延利息收入账户
deferred interest on trade credit同行业放款递延利息
deferred interest scrip递延利息付款凭单
deferred interest warrant递延利息付款凭单
deferred payment of interest on notes receivable应收票据上的延付利息
delayed interest延付利息
delayed interest延期利息
determinable interest可终止权益
double interest复利
double-digit interest两位数利率
draw interest获取利息
dynamical theory of interest利息动态说
earned interest己获利息
earned interest赚取利息
earning interest获得利息生息
earnings before interest and tax未扣利息及税金收益
earnings before interest and tax付息及税前收益
encompassing interests and responsibilities具有权责
encroachment of interest侵占权益
enjoy the interest享有利益
enlightened self-interest有见识的自私自利
equitable interest公平利息
equitable interest衡平法上的利益
equitable interest衡平法上有效的权利
ex interest利息除外价格
ex interest利息在外价格
ex interest除息
ex interest除利息
ex interest无利息不包括利息或无息
ex interest quotation无息报价单
excess of book value of interest in subsidiary over cost子公司股权账面价值超过成本额
excess of cost over book value of interest in subsidiary子公司股权成本超过账面价值额
executory interest将来有效权益
expected interest预期利息
expected interest rate期望利率
expected rate of interest期望利率
export interest a/c出口利息科目
floating interest浮动利息
floating prime rate of interest浮动基本利率商业贷款基本利率
fluctuation in interest rate利率波动
fluctuation margins of interest rate利率波动幅度
fluctuations in interest rate利率波动
fluctuations in rate of interest利率波动
for their respective rights and interests为他们各自的权利与义务
function of interest rate利率功能
general interest大众利益
General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money凯恩斯:《就业、利润和货币总论》
government grant for paying a fixed rate of interest国家拨款支付定息
gross interest毛利
high-interest-bearing debenture高息信用债券
high interest rates高利率
higher interest rate charge高利率收费
holding interest持有利益
holding interest引起兴趣
immediate interest近利
indication of interest投资兴趣表示
influential interests影响利润
inhibit excessively high interest rate平抑过高利率
insurance interest可保利益
interest accrued应计利息
interest adjustment scheme利率调整计划
interest advanced预付利息
interest and amortization charge本息金
interest and amortization charges分期还本付息支出
interest and amortization expense本息费用
interest and amortization funds本息金
interest and discount income利息贴现收入
interest and discount income account利息贴现收入账户
interest and dividends received得到的利息和股息
interest and penalties receivable on taxes应收欠税利息及罚款
interest and salaries in excess of net income利息与薪水超出净利
interest arbitrage权益仲裁
interest arbitrage套利指通过同时利用外汇市场和货币市场的差价牟利的外汇操作
interest base on each installment按分期付款额付息
interest base on uncollected balance按未收余额计息
interest based on each installment按分期付款额计息
interest based on equal periodic payment按每期相等的付款额计息
interest bearing生息
interest-bearing bank debenture有息银行债券
interest-bearing bank deposit银行计息存款
interest-bearing bank deposit银行有息存款
interest-bearing bond附息债券
interest-bearing capitalist生息资本家
interest-bearing check account有息支票户
interest-bearing debt certificate有息负债证书
interest-bearing demand deposit有息活期存款
interest-bearing deposit付息银行存款
interest-bearing deposit account付息银行存款账户
interest-bearing deposit account有息银行定期存款
interest-bearing eligible liability生息合格债务
interest-bearing loan生息贷款
interest-bearing paper附息证券
interest-bearing security付息证券
interest bill息单
interest bill附息票据
interest bill of exchange有利息汇票
interest bond付息债券
interest bond利息债券
interest bond附息债券
interest burden for end-borrowers最终借款者的利息负担
interest ceiling利息上限
interest charged to cost计入成本的利息
interest clause票据上注明的利息条款
interest clause bill利息条款汇票
interest compensation agreement利息补偿协议
interest compounded quarterly季度复利
interest concession让利
interest-conversion period转换利息日期
interest coupon息票即附在公债或公司债券下面的利息票
interest cover利息偿付比率
interest cover承付利息
interest cover偿付利息
interest date计息日期
interest day起息日
interest day付息日
interest day计息日
interest determination利息决定
interest during corporation建立公司期间利息
interest during corporation公司经营期间利息
interest earned利息收入
interest earned but not collected应收已得利息
interest earning country食利国
interest earning shares附息股票
interest earning shares有息股票
interest earning strata食利阶层
interest elasticity利息弹性
interest equalization fund利息平衡基金
interest equilibrium fax利息平准税
interest equivalent利息等额补贴
interest equivalent合伙业利息均等分配
interest expense of each period每期利息费用
interest export ratio利息出口比率
interest factor有利害关系的代理商
interest factor利息系数
interest factor本利和系数
interest for arrears延迟利息
interest for delinquency滞延付款利息
interest free无息
interest-free aid无息援助金
interest-free credit无息贷款
interest fund息金
interest impulse利益冲动
interest imputed内含贴现利息
interest imputed应负利息
interest in a business企业权益
interest in arrears滞延付款利息
interest in dividend红利
interest in dividends股息利息
interest in red红利
interest in subsidiary company附属公司权益
interest in subsidiary company在附属公司中的权益
interest in the black应收利息
interest in the red应付利息
interest incentive effect利息刺激效应
interest included利息在内
interest index利益指数
interest indicator利益指标
interest in-general depreciation method一般利息折旧法
interest insured保险权益
interest insured保险产权
interest keeping保息
interest keeping insurance保息保险
interest lag利息迟延
interest margin利息幅度
interest method计息法
interest method for current account往来账计息法
interest of substance物质利益
interest on arrears过期利息
interest on bond公司债利息
interest on call通知借款利息
interest on current debt当期债务利息
interest on current debt当期债券利息
interest on deferred payment延期付款利息
interest on external bond外债利息
interest on government debt公债利息
interest on inter-branch account联行往来利息
interest on inter-branches account联行往来利息
interest on loan借贷利息
interest on loan capital借贷利息
interest on loan from other bank同行借入款利息
interest on loan from other bank借入同行款项利息
interest on money货币利息
interest on national debt国债利息
interest on overdue account延迟账款利息
interest on past due account逾期账款利息
interest on payment for purchase购货付款利息
interest on rediscount再贴现息
interest on rediscount再贴现利息
interest on tax-free securities免税证券利息
interest on the principal本金利息
interest on trade credit贸易信贷利息
interest paid利息已付
interest parity利息平价法定利息
interest parity theory利息平价理论
interest pass-book利息存折
interest payable to creditors应付债权人利息
interest paying day付息日
interest payment allowance付息免税额
interest payment and amortization分期还本利息
interest payment burden付息负担
interest payment funds付息基金
interest product利息积数
interest rate adjustment利率调整
interest rate anticipation swap利率预期调换
interest rate arbitrage利率裁定
interest rate differential利率差别
interest rate differential subsidy利息差别补贴
interest rate differentials at home and abroad国内外利率差别
interest rate for a foreign currency loan外汇贷款利率
interest rate for a Renminbi loan人民币贷款利率
interest rate for long term deposit长期存款利率
interest rate function利率功能
interest rate function利率函数
interest rate implicit in the lease租赁业务内含利率
interest rate mechanism利率机制
interest rate mismatch ladder利率不相配梯形表
interest rate of bank deposit银行存款利率
interest rate on borrowings借款利率
interest rate on foreign currency loan外汇贷款利率
interest rate on loan放款利率
interest rate on loans secured by export trade bills出口汇票担保借款利率
interest rate pattern利率方式
interest rate position利率部位
interest rate spectrum利率范围
interest rate structure利率结构
interest rate table利率表
interest rate tiering利率分级
interest rate warfare利率战
interest receipt利息收入款
interest receivable on investments应收投资利息
interest relief grant loan利率津贴贷款
interest reserve ratio利息准备比率
interest revenue利息收入
interest reversal利息损失
interest sensitive对利息的敏感性
interest spread利息差额差幅
interest step-down bond利息递减债券
interest step-up bond利息递增债券
interest subchange on accumulated earning reserve累积盈余储备的附加利息
interest subsidy account利率补贴账户
interest subsidy facility利息补贴设施
interest subsidy scheme利息补贴办法
interest surcharge on accumulated earnings reserve累积收益储备附加利息
interest suspense暂记利息
interest to maturity满期前都带有利息
interest to their maturity满期前均有利息
interest upon loan放款利息
interest warrant付息通知书
interest warranty息券
interest warranty息票
interest withholding tax扣缴税利息
interest yield利息收益率
interest yield equivalent利息收益率等价
interests of the venturers股东切身利益
interests of the whole全体利益
interim interest期中暂付利息
intrinsic interest固有权益
investment behavior of pursuing short-term interests短期利益投资行为
investment interest投资利得
investment interest投资兴趣
investment interest投资股权
investor interest投资兴趣
invisible interests无形利益
irrevocable, non-negotiable, non-interest-bearing promissory note不可撤销、不可转让的无息期票
issuance between interest dates两个付息日期间发行的票据
junior interest次要权益
lack of interest利益不足
lease hold interest insurance租赁权益保险
lending rate of interest贷款利率
liability with interest带息债务
liberalization of interest放宽利率限制
liberalization of interest rates放宽利率限制
life interest土地房屋等不动产终身权益
limited right to dispose of interest权益处分权限制
liquidity preference theory of interest rate流动偏好决定利率论
loan and interest payment还本付息
loan repayments and interest借款偿还和利息
loanable fund theory of interest可贷资金利息论
local trade interests当地贸易利益
locate interest找到销路
marine interest海商利益
matured interest payable应付到期利息
maximum limit for interest rates利率最高限度
maximum rate of interest最高利率
mean interest rate平均利率
met hod of compound interests复利计算法
method of simple interest单利计算方法
minimum rate of interest最低利息率
minority interests in the retained profit of the year年度内少数股东权益保留溢利
minority stockholders interest少数股东权益
minority stockholders* interest少数权益
minority stockholders* interest少数股东权益
momentary interest of the day眼前利益
moratory interest延期偿付款利息
moratory interest延期偿付利息
Morgan Interest Group〈美〉摩根财团
mortgage equitable interest抵押衡平权益
mortgage interest抵押权益
mortgage of equitable interest衡平权益抵押
mortgage of interest权益抵押
mortgagee's insurance interest受押人保险利益
mortgagor's insurance interest出押人保险利益
multiple interest rate复利率
multiple interest rate problem复利率问题
multiple interest rate system复利率制
negative interest负利息指通货膨胀率高于居民存款利率, 导致存款利率呈现负值等
negative interest逆利息
negative interest rate margin负利率边际
net income after interest charge计息后净收益
net income before interest charge计息前净收益
net income before interest charges计息前净收入
net profit interest净利权益
net profit interest净利计算的利息
neutral rate of interest中性利率
no common interest无共同利息
nominal interest名义利息利润
nominal interest rate标定利率
normal interest rate标准利率
normal interest rate正常利率
open interest未结清权益期货交易合同尚未冲销的
opportunity interest rate替代利率
optimum rate of interest最佳利率
optimum rate of interest最适度的利率
ordinary interest正常利息
outside activity and interest外界活动和权益
outstanding interest结欠利息
outstanding interest未结利息
overdue interest透支利息
overseas interest rate海外利率
own rates of interest本身利率
paramount interest最高利益
participating percentage interest分享百分比股利
participation in interest利益均沾
participation in interest利益共享
party at interest利益有关一方
payment of the interest支付利息
payment of the interest and the principal还本付息
personal interest个人利益
personal interest income个人利息收入
pocket interest金钱上的利益
pocket interest金钱上利益
policy proof of interest保险单证明可保权益
pool the interest共享利益
pooling of interest利益共享
pooling of interest共同利益共享
pooling of interest method权益联营法
pretax interest税前利息
prime interest优惠贷款利息
prime interest银行优惠利率
principal and interest本金和利息
principal, interest, taxes, insurance本金、利息、税款、保险费
problem of common interest共同感兴趣的问题
profit and loss bn capital and interest本利的损益盈亏
profit and loss on capital and interest本利盈亏
public interest corporation公益法人
ratio of interest expenses to interest bearing liability利息费用与付息负债之比
ratio of interest expenses to sales利息费用与销售比率
ratio of interest expenses to sales利息费用与销货额的比率
reasonable rate of interest合理利率
reduced interest cost降低利息成本
reform the company laws to protect the interests of investors改革公司法以保障投资者利益
repayment of the principal and payment of interest on loans还本付息
required interest earning应得利息
reserve for undistributed interest earnings未分配利息收益准备
reversionary interest可归回权益
reversionary interest将来应享有的利息
royalty interests on leaseholds租赁权收租利益
salaries and interest as expenses把薪金和利息作为费用
salary and interest in excess of net income薪金和利息超过净收益
savings and interest rate储蓄与利率
security interest in goods货物的物权担保
security interest in goods货物的担保货权
security interest in property财产权担保
short insurance interest短少保险利益
short interest卖空
short interest空头
short interest欠缺的头寸
short interest未补抛空差额
social interest社会利益
special interest特种利息
special interest特别权益利益
special interest travel特定目的旅游
standard interest rate标准利率
standard rate of interest标准利率
stated interest rate设定利率
stipulative for of interest利息的约定
subordination of individual to general interest个人利益服从总体利益
substantial interest实质性利害关系
take both public and private interests into account公私兼顾
term structure of interest rates利率期限
terminable interests定期产权权益
terms of interest利息加算办法
times of interest payable by carrying power收益所能负担利息的倍数
tourist interest旅游兴趣
trade-mark interest商标权益
true interest真实利息
true interest纯利息
uncovered interest arbitrage未抛补利率套利
unfixed interest bearing securities无固定利息证券
unreasonable interest rate不合理利率
usurious rate of interest非常高的利率
weighted average of the cost of interest bearing debt加权平均计息债务成本
yielding interest带利息的
zero rate of interest零利率
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