
Терміни за тематикою Текстиль що містять goods | усі форми | лише в заданій формі
acceptance of goods接受货物
after-arrival-of-goods draft货物到达后见票即付款的汇票
all silk goods全真丝织物
application for import permit of materials for processing export goods出口加工原料进口许可证申请书
application to pass goods through the customs报关单
arrival of the goods at final destination货抵最终目的地
base of producing goods for foreign trade外贸生产基地
bleached goods漂白布匹
braided goods编织品
brightened goods增白织物
broad woven goods宽幅织物
brushed goods拉绒针织物
buy-sell for goods商品买卖
buy-sell for goods货物买卖
carriage of dangerous goods危险品运输
carriage of dry goods干货运输
carriage of palletized goods托盘运输
carriage of special goods特种货物运输
cashmere knit goods羊绒针织物
cashmere knit goods开士米针织物
cashmere knit goods开司米针织物
cashmere knitted goods羊绒针织品
channels for purchasing goods进货渠道
channels for purchasing goods购货渠道
channels for purchasing goods wholesale批发进货渠道
checking of quality of goods商品检验
choice goods上等品
circulating capital goods流动资本货物
class of goods货物等级
classification by source of goods按货源分类
classification of goods of exportation出口货物分类,出口商品分类
classification of goods of importation进口货物分类,进口商品分类
cleared goods成形针织品
cloudy goods云斑织疵
cloudy goods云斑织物
combed yarn goods精梳棉纱织物
community of goods社会财产
community of goods财产共有
community of goods共同财产
competing goods竞争商品
competing goods竞争产品
Convention on the Valuation of Goods for Customs Purpose关税估价公约,海关货品估价公约,货物课税估价公约
cross-stitch embroidered goods十字花制品
cut goods开剪织物
deal in some goods从事经营
deal in some goods买卖
decating knit goods蒸煮的针织品
decating knit goods蒸煮针织品
defective goods疵布
defective goods有瑕疵货物
deficient in goods货物不足
deficient in goods货物缺乏
deliver goods against surrender of the document见单交货,凭单交货
deliver the goods in batches分批交货
delivery goods交货
delivery of goods交货
delivery of goods货载交付
delivery of goods供货
deluxe goods豪华商品
deluxe goods顶级商品
domestic goods本国商品
domestic goods国货
double-faced woolen goods双面呢绒
dress goods服用织物
dress goods妇孺衣料
dress goods女、童外衣料
dry goods现成衣服
dry goods匹头
dry goods〔美〕纺织品
dry goods纺织品
durable goods耐久织物
duties on imported goods进口商品税
dyed goods色布
dyed goods染色布
dyed goods handkerchief匹染手帕
dyed spun rayon piece goods人造棉色布
early delivery of goods尽早交货
embargoed goods禁运物品
entry of goods inward进口货物申报
entry of goods outward出口货物申报
exhaustive list of the goods货物详细清单
exhibit goods陈列品
exhibit goods展览品
exhibit of goods商品陈列
exhibit of goods商品展览
expensive goods贵重物品
export goods输岀货物
export goods出口商品
export goods外销货
export goods岀口货物
export of goods商品输出
export of goods商品出口
exportation of goods货物出口
exportation of goods商品出口
face goods光洁毛织物
face goods正面整理织物
fancy goods花色货品
fancy goods花式服装
fancy goods花哨服饰
fancy goods花式货品
fancy goods精品
fancy goods花色织物
fancy goods store精品屋
fancy goods store花哨商品店
fashion goods时尚产品
fashion goods流行服饰品
fashion goods流行货
felt goods毡制品
final goods最终商品
final goods成品
fine cotton goods细棉布
fine goods精品
finished goods加工品
finished goods精制品
finished goods产成品
finished process goods半成品
flat goods平针针织物
flat goods平线织物
flat goods平线织物无绉线的绉缩
flat goods平幅针织物
fleeced goods单面起绒针织物
flow of goods货物流量
flow of goods货物流向
flow of goods商品循环
flow of goods商品流向
flow of goods商品流量
flow of goods商品流通
foam laminated fabric goods泡沫塑料层压织物
future goods market期货市场
future goods price期货价格
future goods transaction期货交易
glamour goods热门货
goods account商品账
goods account货款
goods account货账
goods agent货运代理商
goods and chattels杂物用品
goods and service货物及劳务
goods and service商品与劳务
goods attractive in price and quality价廉物美的商品
goods available from stock现货
goods by express train快运货物
goods by slow train慢车货物
goods damaged by water水渍货物
goods damaged in transit途中受损货物
goods earnings货物收益
goods en route在途货物
goods fitting jeans紧身牛仔裤
goods fitting jeans合身牛仔裤
goods for exhibition展览商品
goods for exhibition展品
goods for trial sales试销商品
goods in bond关栈货物
goods in bulk大宗货物
goods in consignment代销货物
goods in hand现有货物
goods in hand现货
goods in stock现货
goods in stock库存货物
goods in store存货
goods in store现货
goods in trade库存品
goods in trade交易中的商品
goods inspection商品检验
goods insured已保险财产
goods insured已保险货物
goods invoice货物发票
goods kept in stock库存商品
goods kept in stock库存货物
goods liable to excise应纳税商品
goods liable to excise纳税品
goods-liquor ratio浴比
goods of consignment寄售商品
goods of consignment寄售货物
goods of inferior quality劣等货
goods of second quality二等品
goods of similar class同类货物
goods of the first rank第一流货物,上等货物
goods on approval试用物品
goods on consignment-out寄售货物
goods on consignment-out寄销品
goods on consignment-out寄售商品
goods on the spot现货
goods-out on consignment寄销货物
goods packing商品包装
goods ratio浴比
goods received note货物收据
goods sell畅销
goods sold by auction拍卖的财产
goods sold by auction拍卖的物品
goods sold by auction拍卖的货物
goods station货站
goods traffic商品运输
goods traffic货物运输
goods traffic货运
goods traffic expenses货运费
goods traffic expenses货物运输费
goods train货物列车
goods under bond关栈货物
goods under bond保税货物
goods van货车
goods with compensation有偿货物
government expenditures on goods政府对货物支出
grade of goods商品的等级
gratuitous goods免费商品
gray goods原色布
greige goods坯布
greige goods本色布
half-cut goods半成形针织品
hand-fashioned goods手工编织品
hand-printed spun rayon piece goods手工印花人造棉布
hazardous goods危险品
high quality goods优质品
high-grade goods高档商品
high-hazard goods高危险品
high-priced consumer goods高档消费品
high-priced consumer goods高价消费品
Hosiery and Knit Goods Manufacturers Association针编织品生产商协会
identification of the goods货物认定
import goods进口物品
import goods进口商品
import goods进口物资
import goods进口货物
import goods insurance进口货物保险
import of export goods进出口商品
importer's entry of goods进口商报关单
ineligible goods次品
ineligible goods不合格品
inferior goods劣质商品
inferior goods次货
inferior goods低档商品
inspect goods验货
insured goods投保物品
insured goods保险货物
interflow of goods物资交流
interregional goods区域贸易商品
invisible goods无形商品
invoice of goods发货单
invoice of goods货物发票
invoice of goods货物托运单
knit goods针织品
knit goods mill针织厂
knitted piece goods针织面料
knitted seal goods针织海虎绒
knitted seal goods针织海豹绒织物
know goods识货
large goods大宗货物
LCL goods合装货
LCL goods混装货
LCL goods拼装货
leather goods皮革制品
light leather goods轻皮衣服
light leather goods轻皮服装
linen goods亚麻制品
list of import goods进口物品目录
list of import goods进口货物清单
lo-lo goods吊装货
loom goods坯布
loose goods散货钻石
loose woven goods稀松织物
loser of goods失主
loss of goods货物灭失
loss of goods货损
lycra woolen goods弹力呢绒
Madras goods印度马德拉斯棉布
management of goods物品管理
management of goods货品管理
management of goods货物管理
Manchester goods棉布类
mark down goods减价商品
market goods locally本地销售
market price of goods商品市场价格
market price of goods商品市价
marketable goods畅销织物
marketable goods畅销商品
measurement goods轻量货
measurement goods体积货物
mercerization of knitting goods针织物丝光
milled goods缩绒织物
milled goods毛毡
model goods样品
model of goods货样
model of goods样品
model of goods货物样品
moth-infested goods虫蛀织物
moth-infested goods虫蛀品
movement of goods商品流动
naphtholated goods纳夫妥染色织物
naphtholated goods纳夫妥印花织物
narrow goods窄幅织物
narrow goods
narrow goods窄带
narrow goods窄幅布
narrow woven goods窄幅织物
narrow woven goods
National Sporting Goods Association全国运动制品协会
native goods土产品
native silk piece goods本土绸
native silk piece goods手织绸缎
nature of goods货物特性
net transfer of goods货物转让净额
nonwoven roll goods非织造布卷材
ocean-going goods远洋货物
off specification goods不合规格产品
off-gauge goods超尺码货
old goods陈旧品
old goods旧货
ordinary goods日用品
ordinary goods一般货物
overlanded goods溢卸货物
overtime goods过期货物
pack goods in box货物装箱
pack goods into box将货物装箱
packaged goods包装货物
packing of goods包装物品
packing of goods货物包装
partially finished goods半成品
partially finished goods ledger半成品分类账
pattern goods花洋布
payment for goods贷款
perishable goods易损货物
pick-up goods提货
plastic goods塑料薄膜
plated knit goods棉毛布
plated knit goods添纱针织物
price of goods物价
price of goods货物价格
private goods专用货物
private goods私人货物
processing goods在制品
processing of goods货物处理
processing of goods货物加工
producer goods机器设备
producer goods生产物资
production of consumer's goods消费品生产
profit on goods sales销货利润
profit on goods sales货物销售利润
prohibited goods禁运品
prohibited goods违禁品
prohibited goods禁运货物
protect the goods from the strain of long sea voyage使货物在长途海运中不受损失
pseudo goods假冒商品
pseudo goods伪劣品
pseudo goods冒牌货
pure silk goods纯丝织物
pure silk goods真丝织物
quarter goods夸特织物以夸特计算宽度的织物
rainwater goods雨淋货
range of goods货物种类
ready goods成品
ready goods现货
ready-made goods成衣
ready-made goods成品
recover the goods要求退货
redeem pawned goods赎回典当物
refrigerated goods冷藏品
register for goods forwarded运岀货物登记簿
rejection of the goods退货
repossessed goods重新拥有货物
requisitioning of goods征用粮食
requisitioning of goods征用货物
resale goods转售货物
returned goods回头货
returned goods回运货
returned goods反运货
returned goods回程货
rib knitting goods罗纹针织品
round goods圆筒形针织坯布
round goods圆编针织物
round knit goods圆筒形针织坯布
round knit goods圆编针织物
sacked goods袋装货
salable goods畅销品
salable goods畅销货
scarcity of goods缺货
schedule of export goods出口货物明细表
schedule of finished goods成品明细表
sea damaged goods海损货
seaborne goods海运货物
seasonal goods季节性商品
secondary goods二等品
segregated goods分搁商品
self-made goods自制品
sell goods卖货
sell goods售货
semidurable goods半耐用品
semi-durable goods般耐久性织物
SG mark safety goodsmark 安全制品标志
ship goods without a permit未准卸船,私自卸货
shopping goods选购货物
shopping goods挑选性商品
short landed goods短卸货
shut-out goods退关货
silk cotton goods丝棉交织物
silk cotton goods
silk cotton goods
silk goods丝制品
silk goods丝织品
silk goods丝制品含交织丝织物
silk goods丝绸
silk knit goods丝针织品
silk piece goods绸缎
silk-cotton goods丝棉交织物
silk-cotton goods
single-use goods一次性物品
six-quarter goods六夸特幅宽的织物
six-quarter goods六夸特织物
small leather goods小皮件饰物
small lot goods零担货物
smuggled goods黑货
soft goods〔美〕不耐用纺织品
soft goods〔英〕纺织品
sort of goods货物分类
special order for goods特种订货单
specialized capital goods专用资本货物
specialty goods特种产品
specialty goods特产
specialty goods特色商品
spun silk piece goods绢丝织物
spun silk piece goods绢丝纺
stamp on goods货物印记
standard goods正品
staple goods大路产品
staple goods大路货《销售》
staple goods大宗货物
staple goods大路货
stitch knit goods缝编织物
stuff goods毛织物
stuff goods呢绒
stuff goods毛织品
substandard goods残次品
superfine goods特级货
supply of goods货物供应
switch goods转手货物
take the goods in charge承运
take the goods in charge接货
tanker goods油轮货物
tearing goods亚麻织物
tearing goods棉织物
terry loop goods毛圈织物
terry-loop goods毛圈织物
third rate goods三等货
tradable goods可买卖品
tradable goods可交易品
trade goods商品
trade goods贸易商品
transfer goods转运货物
transfer goods转让货物
transfer of goods货物过户
transfer of goods货物转让
transferable goods可让渡财物
transferable goods可转让货物
transferable goods可移动资产
transit goods转运商品
transportation of goods货物运输
transportation of goods货运
transportation on goods货物运输
transportation on goods商品运输
travel goods旅游用品
travel goods旅行用品
tubular knit goods圆筒形针织物
two-side knit goods双面针织物
two-sided goods双面织物
ungraded goods不分级货物
unmarketable goods不对路产品
used goods旧纺织品
valuable goods高价货物
valuation of goods货物估价
verify quantity of the goods核对货物数量
volume of goods traffic货运量
volume of goods transhipped货物转运量
volume of goods transport货运量
warrant for goods货物证书
warrant for goods货物证明
warranty for goods purchased产权保证
warranty for goods purchased购得产品保证
wash goods耐洗衣服
We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as exporters of silk piece goods, which we have been exporting to Europe and Japan我方冒昧向您介绍,我们经营丝绸产品,并出口欧洲和日本
with other goods连同其他货物
with other goods同其他货物合运
woolen goods粗纺毛织物
woolen goods羊毛制品
woolen goods粗纺商品
woolen goods粗纺呢绒
woollen goods粗纺毛织物
woollen goods呢绒
worldly goods财物
worldly goods财产
worsted goods精纺呢绒
worsted goods精纺毛织物
worsted goods精纺毛织品
wound goods布卷
yard goods按码销售的布料
yard goods匹头
yard goods knitting匹头针织物
yard goods knitting machine匹布针织机
yard goods machine匹头布针织机
yardage goods按码出售的织物
yardage goods匹头
yarn goods knitting匹头针织物
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