
Терміни за тематикою Довкілля що містять catch | усі форми | лише в заданій формі
by-catch Incidental taking of non-commercial species in drift nets, trawling operations and long line fishing; it is responsible for the death of large marine animals and one factor in the threatened extinction of some species混获 副渔获物 (在流网、拖网作业和海上长丝钓鱼时,对非商业性物种的意外捕获;巨型海生动物的死亡与其相关,并且它是导致一些物种濒临灭绝的一个因素。)
by catches
by catches常常
catch yield The yield obtained from a given fishery; fishery catches should be strictly controlled so that the fish population can have a sufficient breeding mass and thus give a sustained yield for future generations捕获量 (一个给定的渔业获得的产量。渔业的捕获应被严格控制来保证鱼类能够有一个充足的繁殖数量,从而保证后代有一个持续的产量。)