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Терміни у тематиці Природничі науки (17924 статей)
"agotamiento" del local site contamination
"bitter pit" Bitter Pit
"bleu" del banano blue disease of banana
"bunchy top" del banano bunchy top
"calvas" bare patches
"calvas" burnt patches
"crotovina" crotovine
"crotovina" krotovine
"Grande naine" "Giant Governor" banana
"Grande naine" "Grande naine"
"nuevos conocimientos, nuevos empleos" "new knowledge, new jobs"
"tejido" de micelio compacto stroma
"yellow edge" del fresal strawberry yellow-edge
1 defecto hereditario 1 hereditary defect
1 papera equina Streptococcus equi infection
1 papera equina strangles
a nivel de la articulación tarso metatarso at the tarso-metatarsal joint
ábaco calculation chart
abadejo globe thistle
abámbolo Western softhead grenadier