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Терміни у тематиці Довкілля (21507 статей)
"abeja asesina" Africanised bee
"abeja asesina" Africanised honey-bee
"abeja asesina" killer bee
"aire caliente" "hot air"
"boom" del petróleo oil boom (A floating device used to contain oil on a body of water. Once the boom has been inflated, it is towed downwind of the oil slick and formed into a U-shape; under the influence of wind, the oil becomes trapped within the boom. Skimming equipment travels into the boom enclosure and the oil is pumped into containers)
"coche limpio" "clean car"
"dolphin safe" dolphin safe
"lehm" loam
"lehm" loamy
1,1,1-clorodifluoretano 1,1,1-chlorodifluoroethane
1,1,1-clorodifluoretano 1,1,1-difluorochloroethane
1,1,1-clorodifluoretano difluoromonochloroethane
1,1,1-clorodifluoretano fluorocarbon-142b
1,1,1-difluorocloroetano 1,1,1-chlorodifluoroethane
1,1,1-difluorocloroetano 1,1,1-difluorochloroethane
1,1,1-difluorocloroetano difluoromonochloroethane
1,1,1-difluorocloroetano fluorocarbon-142b
1,1,1-tricloroetano 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane
1,2-dibromo-etano ethylene dibromide
17.ª Conferencia de las Partes en la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático 17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change