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Терміни у тематиці Промисловість (30002 статей)
"ausgelassene" Pelzfelle dropped furskin
"dtex" decitex
"Gangnail"-Verbindungsblech gang nail truss
"Hetero"-Garne core yarn
"Ideal"-Steppen veldtschoen sewing
"Imitation beetle"-Ausrüstung "imitation beetle" finish
"pied-de-poule"-Bindung "pied de poule" weave
"Rapid"-Nähen "Rapid" seaming
"Scaling-up"-Technologie scaling-up technology
"Side-Wall" bath side wall
"Small Business Innovation Research"-Programm Small Business Innovation Research
"Soupling" Ausrüstung "soupling" finish
"Spunized"-Garn "spunized" yarn
"Taslan spunized" Garn "taslan spunized" yarn
"V" Gatter V-shaped creel
-Einlage stake
1)Doppelsteppstich-Hochleistu ultra-high speed lockstitch sewing machine with drop feed
2)Flach-Steppstichnähmaschine ultra-high speed lockstitch sewing machine with drop feed
3-Hydroxybutanal aldol
3-Hydroxybutyraldehyd aldol