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Терміни у тематиці Загальна лексика (46123 статей)
"alt undtagen våben" Everything but Arms
"Association des Anciens" Ex-officials' Association
"Attorney General" Attorney General
"befal og kontroller"-metode "command and control" approach
"bløde" stoffer soft drugs
"blueprints" Blueprints
"bottom-up"-synsvinkel bottom-up approach
"bricks and mortar"-virksomhed brick-and-mortar company
"bricks and mortar"-virksomhed bricks-and-mortar establishment
"bunker buster"-bombe "bunker buster" bomb
"butoir" cut-off
"CDE-konferencen" Conference on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures and Disarmament in Europe
"CDE-konferencen" Conference on Disarmament in Europe
"chaebol" Chaebol
"Check the Web" "Check the Web"
"Commission consultative constitutionnelle et électorale" (Den Rådgivende Forfatnings- og Valgkommission) Commission Consultative Constitutionnelle et Electorale (Electoral and Constitutional Advisory Committee)
"contingenza"-godtgørelse (oplysninger om leveomkostninger) cost-of-living allowance
"criminal audit" criminal audit
"criminal audit" criminal auditing
"cross-pillar mixity" cross-pillar mixity