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Терміни у тематиці Хірургія (12753 статей)
abdominal orifice of uterine tube 输卵管腹腔口
abdominal paracentesis 腹腔穿刺
abdominal part 腹部
abdominal portion of autonomic nerve 自主神经腹部
abdominal rectus sheath flap 腹直肌鞘膜瓣
abdominal subcutaneous veins 腹皮下静脉
abdominal surgery 腹部外科
abdominal tugging 腹部牵拉感
abdominal ultrasound examination 腹部超声检查
abdominal wall defect 腹壁缺损
abdominal wall tumor 腹壁肿瘤
abdominal wound disruption 腹壁切口裂开
abdomino aorto-renal arteriography 腹主-肾动脉造影
abdominoperineal pull-through anoplasty 腹会阴拖出肛门成形术
abdominoperineal resection 经腹会阴直肠切除术
abdominoplasty 腹壁成形术
abdominosacral resection 经腹骶直肠切除术
abdominothoracic incision 胸腹联合切口
abducens nerve 外展神经
abducens nucleus 外展神经核