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Терміни у тематиці Суднобудування (22715 статей)
abandoned ship 废弃的船舶
abandonment of cargo 放弃船货
abbreviated drawing 简略图
abbreviated fascia 短缩横带
abcoulomb 电荷单位电磁库仑1电磁库仑 =10 库仑
Abcoulomb 电磁库仑电荷单位,1 电磁库仑=10库仑
Abel flash point apparatus 阿贝尔闪点测定仪
abide by the contract of export ship 遵守出口船舶合同
Abidjan Harbor, Cоt-d'Ivoire
Abidjan Harbor, Ivory Coast 象牙海岸阿比让港
ability to architect plans and strategies 策划能力
ability to invest shipbuilding 投资造船能力
ability to pay charter 偿付租船能力
ablation cooling 融蚀冷却
ablation factor 消融率
able seaman 一级水手
abnormal current 反常电流
abnormal dissolution 异常溶解
abnormal glow 反常辉光
abnormal loss 异常损失