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Терміни у тематиці Стоматологія (942 статей)
Are you a new patient? 您是初诊病人吗?
Are you allergic (sensitive) to any particular medicine? 您有过敏史吗?
Are you allergic (sensitive) to anything? 您有过敏史吗?
Are you comfortable in this position? 这种椅位,您感觉舒服吗?
Are you feeling a pain when I use the drill? Then I will use an injection for anesthesia 当我钻牙时您感觉痛吗?如果痛,我将给您打针麻药
Are you going to stay in China for a while? 您打算在中国逗留一段时间吗?
Are you in good health now? 您现在身体状况如何?
Are you in pain now? 现在疼吗?
Are you pregnant? 您怀孕了吗?
Are you receiving medical treatment now? 您现在接受治疗了吗?
Are you suffering from hypertension? 您有高血压病史吗?
Are you taking any form of medication regularly? 您目前服用药物吗?
Are you taking any medicines or drugs? 您目前服用药物吗?
Are you under a doctor's care now? 您现在看医生了吗?
Are your lips and tongue numb? 您的嘴唇和舌头麻了吗?
As it is a small cavity, I will put a resin filling 因为这是个小的龋洞,所以我用树脂充填
At first, I'll prepare the tooth before making a core 在取桩前我要进行牙体预备
At first, the material will be soft, then little by little, it will harden 印模材料会由软渐渐变硬
At least two more visits are necessary 两次以上的复诊是必需的
Avoid exercise and don't take a bath on the day of extraction 拔牙当天请不要洗澡和运动