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Терміни у тематиці Сленг (1340 статей)
Fittie A term used for describing the opposite sex as good looking, however not usually used between the same gender. Franka­_LV
Bufalay A term used to describe something or someone or some place that sucks. Franka­_LV
Able Dog AD-4 Skyraider Michae­lBurov
srsly An abbreviation for "seriously". Franka­_LV
office ghost An employee who maintains a position at a company despite the fact that all of his job duties have been reassigned to other employees. Franka­_LV
w00t An expression of joy and excitement. Franka­_LV
consumerican An individual suffering from the particularly American brand of consumerism. Franka­_LV
awesomeness An unmeasurable amount of "awesomenimity" something can produce Franka­_LV
ayrt Anonymous You are Referring To Shell
the lucky country Australia
down under Australia and New Zealand
oz Australia!
footy Australian Rules football
kelpie Australian sheepdog originally bred from Scottish collie
strine Australian slang and pronunciation
root синоним слова fuck практически во всех значениях
beemer B.M.W. car
B & S Bachelors' and Spinsters' Ball
christmas Bourke Street
Brizzie Brisbane