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Терміни у тематиці Телебачення (956 статей)
A.DUB audio dubbing
ABC automatic brightness limiter
ACC automatic color control
ACK automatic color killer
ADD adder
AE audio erase
APS automatic program search
ASO active sideband optimum
Australian television news and commentary program "The Contrarians" broadcast weekly on Sky News Australia throughout the week The Contrarians Michae­lBurov
AWB automatic white balance
Baltimore Forty Five, TV-45, WBFF, Baltimore, Maryland BFF
Baltimore's Finest Features, TV-45, WBFF, Baltimore, Maryland BFF
BF burst flag
BGP burst gate pulse
BLK blanking
BPF bandpass filter
BSP bandstop filter
C.F.R./C.FREE RUN cfpstan free run
C.FG/CFG capstan frequency generator
C.SYNC composite synchronizing signal