
 Англійсько-російський словник - терміни, додані користувачем Alexander Demidov: 56.722  << | >>

23.05.2024 11:40:54 заг. enforcement взыскивание (Enforcement / enforcing a judgment: When a judgment/order has not been paid or terms obeyed with, enforcement proceedings can be issued to ensure compliance. A court can order such action as the seizure of a defendant’s property for sale. LT)
23.05.2024 11:40:54 заг. enforcement исполнительное производство (Method of pursuing a civil action after judgment has been made in favour of a party. Process carried out by Magistrates Court to collect fines and other monetary orders made in the Crown Court. LT)
23.05.2024 11:40:54 заг. enforcement контроль за выполнением (закона, правил и т.п.)
15.05.2024 17:57:21 юр. security interest обеспечительный интерес (un.org)
6.05.2024 11:42:12 заг. MIRV missile ракета, оснащённая РГЧ ИН (mirv: (transitive, military, slang) To attack with MIRV missiles. wiktionary.org)
6.05.2024 11:15:37 заг. Cheget Чегет (Cheget (Russian: Чегет) is a "nuclear briefcase" (named after Mount Cheget [ru] in Kabardino-Balkaria) and a part of the automatic system for the command and control of Russia's Strategic Nuclear Forces (SNF) named Kazbek (Казбек, named after Mount Kazbek on the Georgia–Russia border). From when it was first developed, a "nuclear suitcase" has been available to the Russian head of state, Minister of Defense and the head of the General Staff. wikipedia.org)
25.04.2024 9:29:29 заг. say сказать (what do you say to a game of billiards? – не хотите ли сыграть в бильярд?; • Gerasimov, 57, said he would do his best to achieve all the goals set for the military, which Putin said included rearmament of the Army and Navy and completion of the restructuring of the armed forces. TMT)
25.04.2024 7:25:40 юр. public nuisance нарушение общественного порядка (A public nuisance is when a person unreasonably interferes with a right that the general public shares in common. For example, a business that emits large amounts of foul smelling gas that spreads throughout the city would be creating a public nuisance. Most public nuisances must be brought by government officials on behalf of the public. Private citizens can bring a class action to enjoin the nuisance in some cases. For a private individual to bring an action on their own, they must have suffered a greater or different nuisance than the rest of the public. In the above example, if the gas intruded into houses beside the business, those homeowners might be able to bring private actions given the unique impact on their homes.: He was charged with committing a public nuisance. OCD)
25.04.2024 7:21:21 юр. disturbance of the peace нарушение общественного порядка (Disturbance (or breach) of the peace is a generic term encompassing a variety of conduct that violates public order, disturbs the public, or incites violence, including any violation of any law enacted to preserve peace and good order. It is a criminal offense recognized under common law and various statutes. cornell.edu)
24.04.2024 0:18:08 заг. will завещание (She left me some money in her will. cambridge.org)
21.04.2024 10:34:42 заг. make life a living hell кошмарить (By lunchtime, everyone would know how I had screwed up, and then they would make my life a living hell. She had a large knot in her back which made her life a living hell until she decided to go and see a chiropractor. Toxic leaders make life a living hell and they do it ... Unfortunately some parents make life a living hell for their children.)
16.04.2024 10:49:06 бухг. chart of accounts план счетов (wiki)
16.04.2024 9:21:03 ек. termination увольнение (An employment relationship can be terminated mutually or at the instance of one of the parties. If you terminate an employee's employment, with or without notice, this amounts to dismissal, in principle giving the employee a right to claim that he was unfairly dismissed or wrongfully dismissed. If the termination is genuinely at the instance of the employee, it is resignation.)
16.04.2024 9:21:01 заг. termination прекращение полномочий (Fisher's reforms, however, were criticised by Admiral Lord Charles Beresford, who following his termination as Commander-in-Chief of the Channel Fleet, made ...)
16.04.2024 9:21:01 заг. termination освобождение от должности (Accordingly, the district court ruled that Abrams could not bring a claim for infliction of emotional distress based upon his termination as CEO of Pacific.)
10.04.2024 14:14:20 заг. option возможный способ
8.04.2024 10:04:40 заг. average в среднем (But Marinichev insisted that the project has been moderately successful thus far, easing traffic loads on the streets where the rules were in play by an average 2 percent, and even 4 percent on the first day. He did not explain how he came up with those figures. TMT)
4.04.2024 17:04:03 заг. spatula шпатель (лопаточка для нанесения или выравнивания грунта или краски; для намазывания на холст пластыря; an implement with a broad, flat, blunt blade, used for mixing and spreading things, especially in cooking and painting. NOED)
27.03.2024 9:39:05 заг. colo колокейшн ((computing) co-location: The previous wall outlet tests at their colo facility ran for 6 days straight without issue. One was a mistake in the colo, where there was a mislabeled circuit, so they cut power to 1/3 of one of our racks. wiktionary.org)
27.03.2024 9:35:29 заг. co-lo колокейшн ([very common; first heard c.1995] Short for ‘co-location', used of a machine you own that is physically sited on the premises of an ISP in order to take advantage of the ISP's direct access to lots of network bandwidth. Often in the phrases co-lo box or co-lo machines. Co-lo boxes are typically web and FTP servers remote-administered by their owners, who may seldom or never visit the actual site. catb.org)
15.03.2024 23:35:07 військ. monitor монитор (A monitor or a display is an electronic visual display for computers. The monitor comprises the display device, circuitry and an enclosure. The display device in modern monitors is typically a thin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) thin panel, while older monitors use a cathode ray tube (CRT) about as deep as the screen size. WK)
9.03.2024 20:52:24 лиж. competitive skiing лыжные гонки (While his competitive skiing takes him from Murmansk to Yekaterinburg, his work week consists of directing more than 1,000 employees who are maintaining the company's network and supporting customers out of 11 sales offices as far-flung as Sochi, Kaliningrad and Novosibirsk. TMT)
8.03.2024 9:12:00 заг. corfing дистанцирование от чужой неудачи (The opposite of BIRGing is cutting off reflected failure (CORFing). This is the idea that people tend to disassociate themselves from lower-status individuals because they do not want their reputations affected by associating with the people who are considered failures. wikipedia.org)
8.03.2024 9:06:32 заг. birging купание в лучах чужой славы (Basking in reflected glory (BIRGing) is a self-serving cognition whereby an individual associates themselves with known successful others such that the winner's success becomes the individual's own accomplishment. wikipedia.org)
7.03.2024 10:15:13 заг. fulfilment centre отгрузочный склад (A location where orders are fulfilled, or assembled for shipping.: Amazon’s biggest fulfilment centre in the UK, in Tilbury, Essex, occupies 2m sq ft. (In comparison, Amazon’s first shed, leased in 1997, was 93,000 sq ft.) wiktionary.org)
5.03.2024 11:42:30 юр. watercraft плавсредство (The term watercraft covers a range of different vehicles including ships, boats, hovercraft and submarines, and differs from a flotation device such as a log raft. wiki. Плавсредство (сокр. от "плавучее средство") – самоходное или несамоходное плавучее сооружение, используемое для перевозки грузов, багажа и почты, пассажиров, рыбного или иного морского или речного промысла, спасания людей, буксировки иных плавучих объектов, военных, гидротехнических, научных, учебных, спортивных, развлекательных целей и эксплуатирующееся в условиях водной среды. Технической особенностью является то, что плавсредство может имет положительную, отрицательную или нейтральную плавучесть. Может быть надводным или подводным в зависимости от конструктивных особенностей. Примеры плавсредств – военный корабль, грузовое судно, баржа, понтон, плавпричал, яхта, нефтедобывающая платформа, плот, рыбопромысловое судно, подводная лодка, батискаф, плавкран и т. д. Судно – плавсредство, выполняющее роль транспортного средства. вики wikipedia.org)
1.03.2024 15:59:41 заг. employment работа (Disclosing confidential information acquired by him in the course of his employment with Travelgraph (including computer files) to Worldlink Limited or any other party. LE)
28.02.2024 2:55:03 заг. company фирма (There are several types of business company in Britain: Company shareholders approved the merger. • He has attracted new and existing shareholders to invest in his company. • The government is still a majority shareholder in the industry. • He was voicing the concerns of ordinary shareholders. • the major shareholders in the company oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com)
22.02.2024 18:55:30 заг. degrading унижающий достоинство
17.02.2024 21:43:39 конт. good качественный
13.02.2024 3:32:42 перен. mover and shaker первое лицо
19.01.2024 10:59:39 заг. you can't win 'em all от неудач никто не застрахован (something that you say which means it is not possible to succeed at every thing you do.: I'm a bit disappointed I didn't get the job. Oh well, you can't win 'em all. Cambridge Idioms)
19.01.2024 10:53:58 заг. you can't win them all от неудач никто не застрахован (No one succeeds all the time. (Said when someone fails.): Don’t fret about it, Tom. You can’t win them all. thefreedictionary.com)
16.01.2024 9:59:28 заг. spray and pray стрелять и уповать (To dispense anything (such as bullets or advertising) in an uncoordinated manner, hoping to reach the desired target through luck. wiktionary.org)
15.01.2024 11:33:07 заг. spray and pray палить на авось (A term commonly used amongst FPS players, "Spray and Pray" refers to the practice of unloading your clip in the general direction of another player in the hopes that you'll hit them. Generally considered a good indicator that someone is a noob.: If you're new to Counter-Strike, just spray and pray. Actually aiming comes later. urbandictionary.com)
5.01.2024 20:15:33 заг. drug commerce обращение лекарственных средств (History of Drug Commerce in Late Medieval Europe* by Bruce P. Flood, Jr.)
3.01.2024 19:33:34 заг. hall прихожая
27.12.2023 11:42:33 заг. Hail Mary на авось (any attempt with a small chance of success. New Oxford American Dictionary : a Hail Mary plan encyclopedia.com)
27.12.2023 11:36:51 заг. Hail Mary попытка на авось (A plan or project with little chance of success. Oxford Dictionary of English: Nobody thought this was a 60-win team, mind you, but certainly a strong enough group to return to the playoffs without a Hail Mary deal. I can only imagine this was the perp's attempt at a Hail Mary to get key evidence thrown out.)
27.12.2023 11:28:44 заг. Hail Mary чем бог не шутит (Чем бог не шутит – это устойчивое выражение, которое часто используется в разговорном языке для описания необычных, странных или непредсказуемых событий. Оно подразумевает, что бог, как высшая сила, может создавать самые непонятные и необычные ситуации, которые не всегда легко объяснить или понять. obzorposudy.ru)
13.12.2023 15:41:10 заг. cat skinner кошкодав
13.12.2023 15:41:10 заг. cat catcher кошкодав
13.12.2023 15:40:57 заг. cat skinner кошкодёр
13.12.2023 15:40:57 заг. cat catcher кошкодёр
13.12.2023 12:48:58 ек. liquidated damages заранее оценённые убытки (Liquidated damagesare a sum fixed in advance by the parties as the amount to be paid in the event of a breach. They are recoverable provided the sum fixed was a fair estimate of the likely consequences of a breach, but not if they were imposed as a penalty. LE2)
13.12.2023 9:29:29 заг. cat killer кошкодав
13.12.2023 9:29:05 заг. cat killer кошкодёр
8.12.2023 11:18:51 страх. constructive total loss полная конструктивная гибель (more hits: экономической нецелесообразности восстановления или ремонта судна (полной конструктивной гибели судна); Статья 278 КТМ РФ (Морского кодекса))
7.12.2023 13:03:30 юр. voting power право голоса (He does not therefore personally possess any voting power with which to oppose the resolution proposing his removal. LE)
1.12.2023 10:34:53 заг. housing stock жилищный фонд (Жилищный фонд – совокупность всех жилых помещений, находящихся на территории государства. || the total number of houses and apartments in an area. (MW): The housing stock is no longer large enough for the population (OCD) • There was a decrease in available housing stock last year.)
29.11.2023 17:25:57 клін.досл. trial subject субъект исследования (в клиническом исследовании: «субъект (субъект исследования)» (subject (trial subject)) – физическое лицо, участвующее в клиническом исследовании в составе группы, получающей исследуемый препарат, либо в составе контрольной группы; eaeunion.org)
27.11.2023 13:09:23 бухг. intercompany reconciliation акт сверки (Акт выполняемый для сверки счетов между двумя компаниями – Intercompany reconciliation is the process for reconciling transactions between companies in a group.)
17.11.2023 23:42:32 заг. congestion перегруженность (уличного движения;: With congestion levels hovering at eight points on the 10-point Yandex.Probki scale, the situation was only marginally better than Thursday morning, when the index reached nine points. TMT)
15.11.2023 12:30:06 заг. requirement требование (Insurers, Mr Leventhal noted, are interested in selling because of stiff new regulatory capital requirements on their real-estate holdings. LDCE. ... to comply with federal government commission requirements on disclosing owners, including beneficiary owners. TMT)
15.11.2023 9:53:51 заг. take the blue pill выбрать мир грёз (Rather stay in a fake world than the hard reality one. Taken from the movie Matrix. Blue pill fake world, red pill reality.: I'm gonna take the blue pill and not deal with it. urbandictionary.com)
15.11.2023 9:49:44 заг. take the red pill увидеть мир в истинном свете (Originating from the movie The Matrix, this colloquial term means to face the hard reality instead of staying inside the comfort zone of fantasy. Synonym of "face it". Antonym of "take the blue pill".: After procrastinating for 5 hours on the Internet, I decided to take the red pill and start the long essay assignment. urbandictionary.com)
15.11.2023 9:46:58 заг. take the red pill посмотреть правде в глаза (To understand the world in its previously unknown reality. Synonyms: face facts, wise up.: If you want to be a successful bootstrapper, you have to take the red pill and determine how deep the rabbit hole called your organization goes. As much as we, our generation, start to believe this fictionalized new version of reality we become complicit.... The only way out is to take the Red pill and see what things really look like. In this day and time, we must begin to take the “red pill” and open our first eye to see what's really going on, and who's behind this madness involving Hip Hop videos. wiktionary.org)
12.11.2023 10:30:32 заг. oblast область (The oblast authorities have recently woken up to the gravity of the situation. TG. By 2014, the total number of HIV-positive people could range from 500,000 to 800,000 people. The southern and eastern regions of Ukraine are the most affected – including the oblasts of Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Odesa, Mykolaiv, and the Crimean Republic. The War Came to Us by Christopher Miller)
12.11.2023 10:26:51 заг. senioritis сениорит (A supposed affliction of students in their final year of high school or college, characterized by a decline in motivation or performance. Oxford Dictionary of English: I try not to let my grades suffer from my senioritis. The advantage they have in maturity and background information may be balanced out by the effects of senioritis. No matter how much I'd like to regress and give in to senioritis, AMR will not let me do so. I failed to lodge a forceful protest because I also wanted to complete the check – a definite case of senioritis. hmn.wiki)
4.11.2023 10:52:18 заг. vocal fry фрай (A manner of speaking in which one uses their lowest natural register, causing the voice to be breathy or creaky.: Что такое фрай (или штробас) • Как научиться делать фрай • Примеры вокальных и речевых упражнений на вокальный фрай — Why is it that people only seem to care about women's vocal fry? Men do it too! thefreedictionary.com)
29.10.2023 18:25:04 юр. in open court в открытом судебном заседании (modern term: in public. LE.: If Katia Zatuliveter, the 26-year-old former assistant and lover of the Liberal Democrat MP Mike Hancock, was a Russian spy she would be the first anywhere in the world to fight the accusation in open court, her lawyer said on Thursday. TG)
29.10.2023 10:55:54 заг. please don't throw me in the briar patch только не бросай меня в терновый куст (As rabbits are at home in thickets, the resourceful Br'er Rabbit escapes. Using the phrases "please don't throw me in the briar patch" and "tar ... If you say please don't throw me in the briar patch it means you are very comfortable in a situation someone else thinks will be difficult for you.)
29.10.2023 10:54:14 заг. When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging Если попал в трясину, перестань барахтаться (Will Rogers said, "When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging." We are in a hole. Alaska is the only state with cost metrics worse than ours ...)
29.10.2023 10:53:00 заг. When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging Если попал в трясину, не барахтайся ("Nor would a wise man, seeing that he was in a hole, go to work and blindly dig it deeper…" This old proverb can be applied to business, economics, gambling, friendships and love.)
29.10.2023 10:50:52 заг. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging Если попал в трясину, перестань барахтаться (When it is said, "if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging," it is because digging a hole makes it deeper and therefore harder to get out of, which is used as a metaphor: When in an untenable position, it is best to stop making the situation worse.)
28.10.2023 13:40:48 заг. appliqué аппликация (вышивка: a decorative design made of one material sewn over another. WN3)
27.10.2023 9:42:08 заг. identity card удостоверение личности
20.10.2023 9:10:51 заг. backmasking реверсивная аудиозапись (Backmasking is a recording technique in which a message is recorded backward onto a track that is meant to be played forward. It is a deliberate process, whereas a message found through phonetic reversal may be unintentional. Artists have used backmasking for artistic, comedic and satiric effect, on both analogue and digital recordings. It has also been used to censor words or phrases for "clean" releases of explicit songs. In 1969, rumors of a backmasked message in the Beatles song "Revolution 9" fueled the Paul is dead urban legend. wikipedia.org)
13.10.2023 11:35:16 заг. grower то, что не сразу вызывает любовь или восхищение, к чему нужно привыкать (Someone or something, especially music, that becomes more likeable over time.: I didn't like the song at first, but it is a real grower. wiktionary.org)
21.09.2023 12:09:18 заг. remit должностные полномочия (usually singular ~ (of sb/something) | ~ (to do something) (BrE) the area of activity over which a particular person or group has authority, control or influence • Such decisions are outside the remit of this committee. • In future, staff recruitment will fall within the remit of the division manager. • a remit to report on medical services • The group has been given a remit to examine ways of improving the local transport system. OALD)
10.09.2023 10:36:43 заг. man proposes, God disposes человек так, а Бог иначе (People may make plans, but they cannot control the outcome of their plans.: Jill: Are you really going to be able to finish writing your novel by the end of the year? Bob: Man proposes, God disposes. thefreedictionary.com)
10.09.2023 10:31:58 заг. man proposes, God disposes человек предполагает, а Бог располагает (Humans may come up with any number of ambitious or ingenious plans or ideas, but, ultimately, forces outside of our control determine whether they fail or succeed.: The sinking of the Titanic, the supposedly unsinkable ship, shows better than perhaps anything else that while man proposes, God disposes. We've given our very best to the project, and, at this point, it's up to fate whether things work out for us. Man proposes, God disposes. thefreedictionary.com)
10.09.2023 10:26:54 заг. the best-laid plans of mice and men человек так, а Бог иначе
10.09.2023 10:16:06 заг. the best-laid plans of mice and men человек предполагает, а Бог располагает (proverb. Said when something ends poorly or differently than expected, despite preparations for success. It is an abbreviated version of the full proverb "the best-laid plans of mice and men oft go astray.": I always thought our marriage was stable and that we'd be together forever. I guess it's true what they say, though, the best-laid plans of mice and men and all that. A: "I've been working on this project for six months, and now, right before it's due, they tell me they want something completely different." B: "That's rough. The best-laid plans of mice and men, I suppose." thefreedictionary.com)
7.09.2023 23:29:52 заг. germane имеющий значение (remarks that are germane to the discussion. OALD)
28.08.2023 9:39:55 заг. wall chasing штрабление (Что такое штробление? Правильно говорить штрабление. Штраб – зубчатая или ступенчатая поверхность каменной, бетонной и других видов кладки стены. Но со временем произношение и написание исказили, и в обиходе, в среде ремонтников и строителей появилось штробление. Штробление – это вид работ по создание штроб – создание специальных борозд, иногда их называют канавками, необходимых для скрытых перекрытий под проводку и для прокладки различных труб и инженерных систем. Зачастую, такой вид работ выполняется совместно со сверлением ниш, монтажом электропроводки, розеток и подрозетников, выключателей и т.д. В современных условиях, штробление кирпича, бетона, железобетона, гипса и других стеновых материалов может выполняться оборудованием, которое исключает появление пыли или, как минимум, снижает степень запыленность помещения.)
23.08.2023 14:21:50 заг. present oneself представляться (Following the incident, world famous magician David Copperfield said: "You try to present yourself as a performer that is creating wonder and amazement and occasionally somebody might misunderstand that and might think that you're trying to foster belief in something supernatural.")
3.08.2023 15:19:27 заг. reiterate повторять (Kudrin reiterated that, despite substantially higher oil and gas revenues, Russia would still see a budget deficit this year of 1 percent to 1.4 percent of the gross domestic product. TMT)
31.07.2023 15:43:00 заг. due to anticipated ... из опасений (Some of the lower flow rate points were not attempted at 20,000 rpm due to anticipated excessive temperatures. Klimzo)
31.07.2023 15:42:07 заг. because of concern из опасений (that ....: This type of meter was selected because of concern that possible departures from a sinusoidal wave form would introduce errors. Klimzo)
28.07.2023 17:28:22 нафт.газ variable area flow meter расходомер с переменным сечением (Расходомер с переменным сечением — один из самых старых и продуманных принципов измерения расхода с его простой конструкцией: поплавок поднимается внутри стеклянной трубки конической формы по мере увеличения расхода, и его положение на шкале можно считывать как расход. Расходомер с переменным сечением состоит из прибора с интегрированной трубкой, изготовленной из стекла, внутри который находится поплавок, передвигающийся по ... Что такое расходомер с переменным сечением и как он работает? Ротаметр (расходомер с переменным сечением) – состоит из трубки, внутри которой перемещается поплавок-индикатор, трубка или поплавок имеют конусную форму.)
27.07.2023 11:38:59 заг. happyologist счастьевед (A social scientist who studies happiness.: In an attempt to determine who is happy and why, these “happyologists” have randomly surveyed people and asked them to report their level of happiness or unhappiness and how satisfied they are with life. Here, you possibly find the so-called “flow-effect”: the ability to capture and achieve a state of happiness (according to happyologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Speculating about American exceptionalism is an endlessly fascinating pastime, but whatever the reason, happyologists agree that the United States is an outlier from the global trend in subjective wellbeing. wiktionary.org)
21.07.2023 23:47:10 заг. scantly едва (Russian geologists estimate the blocks offered to Eni in Wednesday’s agreement hold about 36 billion barrels of oil or the equivalent in natural gas, though they have been only scantly explored. NYT)
21.07.2023 10:36:28 заг. ukronationalist свидомый (1 полит. жарг., часто ирон. национально сознательный (об украинцах) 2 субстантивир., полит. жарг. украинский националист, а также вообще украинец, приверженец схожих мировоззрений: 1 «Часть своего выступления мне удалось огласить, а вторую – нет, поскольку очень свидомые во всех делах „федеральные украинцы“, привыкшие много говорить, к сожалению, не научены слушать, в отличие от украинских дипломатов.» Михаил Рябов, «Встреча посла с организациями украинцев, проживающих в России, обернулась перепалкой» // «Новый регион 2», 09.02.2011 г. 2 Да и как не поучаствовать, если отсутствие энтузиазма переводило гражданина в разряд «подозрительных», а от этого разряда совсем недалеко и до «национальной бритвы», как тамошние свидомые называли гильотину. Максим Соколов, «Адвокатские доводы» // «Известия», 24.06.2014 г. wiktionary.org)
18.07.2023 14:28:01 ЄБРР receivership внешнее управление (the state of a business being controlled by an official receiver because it has no money: Five hundred jobs were lost when the company went into receivership last year. • Her company has been in receivership for six months now. OALD)
2.07.2023 0:54:28 заг. retention удерживание (‘Retention'generally means ‘holding back'. For example, a contract may provide that a sum is not to be paid until the contract work is successfully completed. LE2)
27.06.2023 16:21:15 заг. milblogger военблогер (1 A military service member who writes a blog. 2 A blogger, usually one with a close relationship to armed forces, who blogs, often from the front lines, about an ongoing war.: 1 One milblogger who writes anonymously, (as many do), commented in private correspondence with the author: […] A number of milbloggers converted their work to published books after returning home. The rise of milbloggers writing from within the war zone itself suggests that in terms of international news reported from outside the West, citizen journalism—just like mainstream news reporting—is likely to be more easily done by Westerners. 2 Some proxy officials from occupied Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts also operate as milbloggers because they voice their opinions, share analysis from other milbloggers, and disseminate footage from the frontlines independent of the Kremlin and often at odds with the official MoD and Kremlin lines. wiktionary.org)
25.06.2023 11:49:48 заг. callout culture культура осуждения (The practice, in social justice circles, of publicly criticizing people for violating accepted behavioural standards.: While general “calling out” can be about anything at all, the callout culture addressed in this article relates specifically to social justice communities and admits to the tendency of some social justice activists to see calling out as "an end in itself." While callout culture raises issues of shaming and risk, it has also raised consciousness around the implications of public speech on Twitter. wiktionary.org)
25.06.2023 11:47:30 заг. call-out culture культура осуждения (The expression "cancel culture" came in circulation in the late 2010s and early 2020s and has mostly negative connotations, often used polemically by self-described advocates for free speech and against censorship. The term "call-out culture" is generally understood to be a more positive framing of the same concept.: 2019 October 30, “Obama calls out call-out culture: "That's not bringing about change"”, in CBS News: While former President Obama called out the call-out culture, former first lady Michelle Obama took white conservatives to task. wikipedia.org)
25.06.2023 9:55:42 заг. recoilless rifle станковый противотанковый гранатомёт (A smooth-bore, open-breech, launcher-type artillery weapon constructed of lightweight metals and employing a muzzle- inserted propellant; it is designed with a firing mechanism activated electrically or mechanically by remote control.: Intended primarily as an anti-tank weapon, it could also be employed in an antipersonnel role with the use of an ... (M40 recoilless rifle). Wiki thefreedictionary.com)
25.06.2023 9:55:42 заг. RCL станковый противотанковый гранатомёт (A smooth-bore, open-breech, launcher-type artillery weapon constructed of lightweight metals and employing a muzzle- inserted propellant; it is designed with a firing mechanism activated electrically or mechanically by remote control.: Intended primarily as an anti-tank weapon, it could also be employed in an antipersonnel role with the use of an ... (M40 recoilless rifle). Wiki thefreedictionary.com)
25.06.2023 9:55:42 заг. recoilless rifle СПГ (A smooth-bore, open-breech, launcher-type artillery weapon constructed of lightweight metals and employing a muzzle- inserted propellant; it is designed with a firing mechanism activated electrically or mechanically by remote control.: Intended primarily as an anti-tank weapon, it could also be employed in an antipersonnel role with the use of an ... (M40 recoilless rifle). Wiki thefreedictionary.com)
25.06.2023 9:55:42 заг. RCL СПГ (A smooth-bore, open-breech, launcher-type artillery weapon constructed of lightweight metals and employing a muzzle- inserted propellant; it is designed with a firing mechanism activated electrically or mechanically by remote control.: Intended primarily as an anti-tank weapon, it could also be employed in an antipersonnel role with the use of an ... (M40 recoilless rifle). Wiki thefreedictionary.com)
22.06.2023 10:22:42 заг. fake photo фотожаба (1. Коллаж, карикатура. Аффтар жжот, пости еще фотожабы. Интернет-сленг, Компьютерный сленг, Сленг падонков 2. Это фотография над которой постарался фотошоп. Компьютерный сленг. Словоново.: Though fake photos have long been plentiful, faking motion pictures has been more difficult, and the presence of deepfakes increases the difficulty of classifying videos as genuine or not.)
22.06.2023 10:19:45 заг. deepfake фотожаба (A convincingly realistic but fake image, video, or audio created with the use of artificial intelligence, especially one that imposes the face of one person onto the body of someone else.: Many experts agreed that the profile photo is a deepfake. wiktionary.org)
22.06.2023 10:15:34 заг. fake image фотожаба (Qiu, Linda (January 6, 2020). "Republican Congressman Shares Fake Image of Obama and Iranian President". The New York Times. wikipedia.org)
20.06.2023 4:25:26 заг. perpetuate увековечивать (имя, память и т. д.; to make something such as a situation or process continue, especially one that is wrong, unfair, or dangerous: Current policy only serves to perpetuate the old class divisions. [MED])
19.06.2023 16:07:04 заг. take the fifth отказаться отвечать на вопросы, ссылаясь на пятую поправку в Конституции США, из-за опасения навредить себе своими ответами (take the fifth (amendment): 1. To refuse to testify against oneself in court, in accordance with the right guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, part of the Bill of Rights. 2. By extension, to refuse to answer a question or provide information, especially if doing so may incriminate or embarrass oneself.: 1. The defendant took the fifth after every question the prosecution put to him. There is speculation that he will take the fifth amendment if he is asked about his actions under oath. 2. Just take the fifth if your mom asks where you've been all night! A: "So, I hear things got pretty messy at the party last night." B: "Yeah, I'm going to have to take the fifth amendment on that one!" thefreedictionary.com)
19.06.2023 10:37:23 заг. licence to kill лицензия на убийство ("Лицензия на убийство" — литературный приём, используемый в политических и шпионских детективах. Термин обозначает официальное разрешение правительства или органа государственной власти секретному агенту на самостоятельное принятие решения о необходимости и целесообразности убийства для достижения некоей цели и приведение его в действие (при этом убийство не обязательно должно быть совершено в целях самозащиты). Концепция стала широко известна из фильмов о Джеймсе Бонде, где главному герою был присвоен личный номер начинавшийся с двух нулей (00), означавший что агент имеет лицензию на убийство.: The Japanese claim the whales will be used for 'scientific research', a loophole that gives them a licence to kill. English-Spanish Dictionary wikipedia.org)
17.06.2023 9:14:08 заг. stay tuned продолжение следует (1 (idiomatic) To remain as a listener or viewer of the particular radio station or television channel to which one is currently pay attention. 2 (idiomatic by extension often as imperative) To wait or remain alert (for new developments or for further information).: 1 NBC had spent weeks promoting Mr. Daly's new show, and had even commissioned a special original edition of Conan O'Brien's Late Night show . . . to give Mr. Daly's show the best possible lead-in. During his show, Mr. O'Brien twice urged viewers to stay tuned for Mr. Daly. 2 [W]riter-director Sean Penn has found a stark camera style that ignites behavioral sparks. Stay tuned; this kid has talent. “Stay tuned on the issues of overcrowding, capital plan, new schools, secondary reform, middle school reform; these are all critical issues,” Mr. Klein said. Riccitiello also said that more on the game’s payment structure will be revealed in February, so I guess we’ll all be staying tuned. wiktionary.org)

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