
   Spanisch Englisch
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Allg. entlarge
Hand. stand
IT Datenverarb. space character
Kommunik. A condition
Luftf. span
Math. space
Med. chamber
Tech. envelope; inclosure
Umwelt outer space
| entre
Math. between
| asientos
Industr. Bauw. bearing bunker
| de
Allg. out of
| un
Allg. an
- einzelne Wörter gefunden

Substantiv | Verb | zu Phrasen
espacio m
Hand. stand
IT, Datenverarb. space character
Kommunik. A condition
Luftf. span
Med. chamber
Tech. envelope bombs; inclosure
Umwelt outer space
Verpack. place
espacio V.
Allg. room
Dokument., IT blank
Hand. booth
IT lacuna
Kommunik. spacing
Math. space
Umwelt space Space extending between the sun and the planets of the solar system. Interplanetary space is not empty, but contains dust, particles with an electric charge, and the magnetic field of the sun (also called the IMF, or Interplanetary Magnetic Field); interplanetary (interplanetario)
espaciar V.
Allg. entlarge; expand; stretch
Kommunik. lead; lead out; space; white out; space out; ace
micr. stack (To position two or more objects so that they have a specific amount of space between, either vertically or horizontally)
espaciado V.
IT escape
kohl. burden
Kommunik. spacing
Verk., Luftf. separation
espacio interplanetario V.
Umwelt space interplanetary
espacio entre asientos de un
: 1 Phrase in 1 Thematik