
   Spanisch Englisch
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Allg. starting point
Bauw. link road
el. interstage link; interswitch link; junctor circuit
Kommunik. hypertext link
micr. binding; hook
Mil. connecting file
| para
Math. to
| la
Fischz. poke line
| transmisión de datos
 transmisión de datos
Patent. transmission of data
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Substantiv | Verb | zu Phrasen
enlace m
Allg. starting point
Bauw. link road
biow., Bauw. adapter
Bohr. bonding (atoms)
Chem. bond
comp. linking
el. interstage link; interswitch link; junctor circuit; junctor
IT anchor
IT, el. link
Kommunik. hypertext link; line; junction
Maschinenb. fitting; jointing
Math. connection (Algebra Connection = Enlace con el álgebra ; Meanings and)
micr. binding (In Analysis Services, a defined relationship between an attribute or a measure and one or more underlying columns in a dimension or fact table); hook (A location in a routine or program in which the programmer can connect or insert other routines for the purpose of debugging or enhancing functionality)
micr., mexik. link (A connection between multiple contact profiles in the People hub)
Mil. connecting file
Stat. splicing; chaining
Stat., Kommunik., Wissensch. trunk
Stat., Wissensch. combination
stroml. transmission link
Tech. connection; contact; liaison; looping; tie
Textil bonding
Verk. grade-separated interchange; interchange
Verk., bodentr., Maschinenb. hitch
enlaces m
Recht. bonds (figurative, ties); ties
Tech. joins-up
Enlace m
Fin. Link
enlace V.
Math. linkage
enlazar V.
Allg. intertwine
Chem. bond
IT linking
IT, Tech. to branch
micr. bind (To connect a control to a field or group in the data source so that data entered into the control is saved to the corresponding field or group. When a control is unbound, it is not connected to a field or group, and data entered into the control is not saved)
micr., mexik. link (To connect or associate items or data such as contacts, accounts, or worksheets)
numer. slave
Tech. connect
Verpack. lace; tie
enlazar en programación V.
Telekomm. to link in programming
 Spanisch Thesaurus
enlace m
micr. Hook
enlace para la: 34 Phrasen in 18 Thematiken
Allgemeine Lexik3
Forschung und Entwicklung1
Internationaler Währungsfonds1
Name der Organisation4
Vereinte Nationen3