
   Russisch Englisch
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Allg. get off it!
Allg. have done
Allg. be done!; can it!; choke!; no more of that!; peter that!; say no more!
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Allg. ship

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хватить V.Betonungen
Allg. trash; suffice; see out (на какое-либо время); catch hold (of); grasp; have enough; last out; seize; snatch; last (на); grab; be capable of; be enough; be up to; catch hold (of); fasten a blow
Gruzovik start up (pf of хватать); be enough (pf of хватать); have enough (pf of хватать); last out (pf of хватать); strike up (хватить песню – strike up a song)
Gruzovik, umg. drink up (pf of хватать); hit (pf of хватать); blurt out (pf of хватать); go too far (pf of хватать); gulp down (pf of хватать); overreach oneself (pf of хватать); strike (pf of хватать); wallop (pf of хватать); whack (pf of хватать); smash (pf of хватать); endure (pf of хватать); suffer (pf of хватать); go through (pf of хватать); set out (pf of хватать); leave (pf of хватать); depart (pf of хватать)
Math. be sufficient
umg. sock; endure; go through; gulp down разг. to go too far; nab; overreach oneself; strike up; suffer; blurt out разг. to hit; detain; experience; pick up (также перен.); set out; smash; wallop; whack; bite (of fish); strike; depart; leave; drink; guzzle
Volksm. you have really surpassed yourself! (ну ты хватил!); where'd you get that from? (ну ты хватил!)
хватит! V.
Allg. be done!; can it!; choke!; no more of that!; peter that!; say no more!; snap out of it!; leave it out!; chuck it up!; get off it!; knock it off!; enough! (Franka_LV); that will do!; skip it!; so; no more (sever_korrespondent); save it! (Abysslooker); enough of this! (с меня довольно Александр_10); stop it! (NumiTorum); that will do; lay off!
Abkürz. nomo (Franka_LV)
Amerik., grob. oh, come off it!
Gruzovik, umg. that's enough!
idiom. come off it! (Andrey Truhachev); full stop! (esp.Br. Andrey Truhachev); period! (Am. Andrey Truhachev)
Ital. basta!
klisch. go fly a kite! (Bullfinch)
Makarow. chuck it in!; go along with you!; let there be a truce to that!
Slang. that kills it! (это все губит, портит, убивает, напр., настроение, желание и т.п.); that's that! (это все губит, портит, убивает, напр., настроение, желание и т.п.); turn it up!; give me a rest! (Interex); choke that noise! (US usage Liv Bliss)
umg. belay; come on! (q3mi4); cut it out! (Andrey Truhachev); please! (maystay); it's finished! (Abysslooker); don't! (требование прекратить что-л. Abysslooker); stop that! (Andrey Truhachev); cease that! (Andrey Truhachev); stow it! (Br.sl. Andrey Truhachev); stop doing that! (Andrey Truhachev); cut that out! (Andrey Truhachev); pack it in! (Andrey Truhachev); don't go on like that! (Andrey Truhachev); can it! (Am. Andrey Truhachev)
veralt. hold, enough!
хватиться V.
Allg. become aware (of); catch (at); grasp; notice the absence (of); hit (against something); snatch (at); take up; try; bump (into); grab; miss (пропажи ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik snatch at (impf of хвататься); grab at (impf of хвататься); grasp at (impf of хвататься); catch at (impf of хвататься); bump into; hit against something
Gruzovik, umg. miss; notice the absence of; realize; become aware of
Makarow. notice the absence (of); remember that one has left behind
umg. miss (with gen.)
хватит V.
Allg. have done (с восклицательным знаком); so much (всё, что надо сказать, уже сказано; for: so much for the preliminaries – хватит вступлений); cut it (Morning93); I stand (уведомление играющего о принятии им решения о прекращении набора карт. NumiTorum); that'll do; I'll stand (уведомление играющего о принятии им решения о прекращении набора карт NumiTorum); that will do; that is enough; that's enough
Игорь Миг quit
Amerik. that's it (Okay, that's it, you've cried long enough. Val_Ships)
Slang. that's fine (Julie C.)
umg. that will do!; that's enough!
с кого-л. хватит V.
Allg. have enough of (sb., sth.); be disgusted with (sb., sth, кого-л., чего-л.); be sick and tired of (sb., sth, кого-л., чего-л.); be tired of (sb., sth, кого-л., чего-л.); become disgusted with (sb., sth, кого-л., чего-л.); be fed up with (sb., sth, кого-л., чего-л.); fed up with (sb., sth, кого-л., чего-л.); sick and tired of (sb., sth, кого-л., чего-л.); get sick and tired of (кого-л., чего-л.); disgusted with (sb., sth, кого-л., чего-л.); get tired of (кого-л., чего-л.); tired of (sb., sth, кого-л., чего-л.)
хвативший Prtz.
Brit. skinful (Taras)
хвати! V.
Allg. get off it!
более чем хватит V.
Allg. enough of (sb., sth.)
хватит: 664 Phrasen in 31 Thematiken
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