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спалившийся Prtz.Betonungen
Jar. with the mask off (Супру)
спалить V.
Allg. singe; put on the spot (Aprilen)
Gruzovik burn (pf of палить)
Geheimdienste blow one's cover (прикрытие Taras)
Gruzovik, umg. burn up/down (pf of спаливать); scorch (pf of спаливать); destroy by heat (pf of спаливать); sunburn (pf of спаливать)
Makarow. burn out (прибор)
Slang. burn the shit out something (maystay); put on blast (To embarrass by publicly denouncing or exposing, especially by using social media. F.e. In class my damn teacher told my grade to the class. She put all my shit on blast! urbandictionary.com inyazserg)
Tech. burn out (прибор; burn something out: Stepper motor burned out the driver: Within 10 sec it had overheated the L298N and burned it out... https://forum.sparkfun.com/viewtopic.php?t=48237 Баян)
umg. burn (up, down); destroy by heat; sunburn; scorch; fry (If you apply that much voltage, you'll fry the resistor. 4uzhoj)
спалиться V.
Игорь Миг be toast
Geheimdienste, Slang. blow the cover
Krim.jarg. get made (Didn't you notice all the cameras? You got made like a rookie. SirReal)
Krim.jarg., kont. get one's picture taken (на камеру: You got your picture took. – Is that why I'm cashing out? (took – просторечие; цитата взята из фильма "Heist") SirReal)
Slang. get busted (laya shkoda); be busted (AnnaOchoa)
umg. betray oneself (to reveal one's true character, intentions, etc Taras); give oneself away (show guilt, show one has done wrong Taras); spill out (to spill a secret – выболтать секрет Taras); blab out (Taras); be destroyed by fire; be destroyed by heat; give the game away (teterevaann); blow one's cover (VLZ_58)
Игорь Миг, umg. be blown (= провалиться / разг.)
"спалить" V.
el. burn (прибор или схему)
спалившийся: 23 Phrasen in 7 Thematiken
Allgemeine Lexik13
Geheim- und Nachrichtendienste1