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Allg. render obedience; perform homage; serve faithfully (Anglophile); be true to one's salt (хозяину (идиом.) Aly19); serve faithfully and loyally (I promise and swear to God Almighty, by his Holy Gospel, to be always ready to serve, faithfully and loyally , her imperial majesty, the most serene empress, ... Alexander Demidov); loyally; do homage; pay homage
Gruzovik, Mil. serve loyally
Makarow. serve hand and foot; serve faithfully (кому-либо)
Sprw. serve somebody hand and foot
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Allg. serve somebody with reliance (мой перевод строки одной из песен из к/ф "Звуки музыки" Ася Кудрявцева)
служить верой и правдой: 5 Phrasen in 2 Thematiken
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