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Allg. reduce speed; ease down
Autoind. change down a gear (Ремедиос_П); drop a gear (Ремедиос_П); shift down a gear (Ремедиос_П)
Dipl. slow
gepanz. decrease speed of the engine
Makarow. slow down
Slang. kick down (машины: Gas has gone and Le Pechen had to kick the car down to the first gear. == Бензин заканчивался, и Ле Пешен переключил скорость машины с третьей на первую.)
umg. keep a cap on it (The phrase "keep a cap on it" means to restrain or limit something, usually to prevent it from increasing or getting out of control. It is often used in the context of controlling costs, emotions, or any situation where moderation is necessary: To ensure the project stays within budget, we need to keep a cap on our expenses and prioritize cost-effective solutions vogeler)
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