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вразнобой Adv.Betonungen
Allg. using dissimilar means (feb-web.ru Tanya Gesse); in dissimilar ways (Tanya Gesse); out of sync (Anglophile); out of order (tfennell); out of sequence (tfennell); randomly (Andrew Goff)
Gruzovik, umg. uncoordinatedly; apart; disunitedly; uncoordinately; separately; disharmoniously; discordantly
umg. without coordination; haphazardly
umg., kont. bits and pieces (bits and pieces = a random assortment of things; вариант контекстный и требует замены конструкции: They figured militia involvement, because the bad guys were wearing bits and pieces of military uniforms. (Lee Child) – ...одеты по-военному, но вразнобой. 4uzhoj)
вразнобой: 1 Phrase in 1 Thematik