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Allg. have one's gruel; bite the ground; bite the sand; catch a packet (пулей, осколком и т. п.); kiss the dust; lick the dust; become a casualty; cop a packet (пулей, осколком и т. п.); go home in a box; have had chips; get gruel; have gruel; take gruel; get the chop; lose the number of mess; get the lead (застреленным); be killed (suburbian); bite the dust; be shot dead
Amerik. go up
idiom. buy it (MichaelBurov)
Jar. stop a packet (пулей, осколком и т. п.)
Makarow. have had one's chips; kiss the ground
Mil. be made a casualty; get the chopper; fall; click
Mil., Slang. be used up
Mil., umg. buy get a packet
Milit. Jargon be down (КГА); lose the number of one's messes (MichaelBurov); get one (MichaelBurov); catch one (MichaelBurov); cop one (MichaelBurov); catch a packet (MichaelBurov); cop a packet (MichaelBurov); get a packet (MichaelBurov); stop a packet (MichaelBurov); stop one (MichaelBurov)
Slang. get one's ticket punched (Interex); go home in box; go for a burton; get wet (VLZ_58); stop a bullet; go for a burton (Brit. MichaelBurov); luck out ("I guess those fucking guys from Marine Co lucked out in Saigon". == "Думаю, те ребятки из морской пехоты отхватили свинца в Сайгоне", - и Тимоти с мрачным видом закинул автомат за спину.)
umg. bite the big one (zoologist)
übertr. gnaw the ground
быть "убитым"
Allg. be taken aback with (чем-л., кем-л.); taken aback with (чем-л., кем-л.)
быть убитым
: 81 Phrasen in 11 Thematiken
Allgemeine Lexik35
Australischer Ausdruck1